Julie Delpy
Ready To Go

This place is giving me
nothing at all
that's why is time for me to leave now
This city is full of sunshine
but it is so damn cold
I want to leave now, I want to leave now, I want to leave now

This place is giving me
oh nothing at all
that's why is fine for me
to leave now

this city is full of sunshine
but it is so damn cold
I want to leave now
leave now
leave now

I wanna go to a place more earthy
I wanna smell the moss
and feel the dirt around me
I wanna play this guitar so loud
so I don't have to listen to their lies, their lies

Oh ho give me these little pills you've told me about
so I could see covers arising
Ooooh let me become something else
be a tree or a weed or a flower maybe

oh the tree or the dream
that't I will never wake up

I don't see the point in love no more
it never works out
it hurts too much
lover don't be angry
'cause you feel the faith in me
and you understand already
sweet parents I'll miss you too
but I'll see you soon

this place is taking over a part of me
I'll find happiness in somewhere deeper
no regrets
or cigarettes
'cause I'm ready
ready to go
oh ready to go

It's so quiet here
it feels so right
I wanna stay here for a minotory eternity

Mirror lyrics:

I wanna stay here for a minotory eternity
it feels so right
It's so quiet here

oh ready to go
ready to go
'cause I'm ready
or cigarettes
no regrets
I'll find happiness in somewhere deeper
this place is taking over a part of me

but I'll see you soon
sweet parents I'll miss you too
and you understand already
'cause you feel the faith in me
lover don't be angry
it hurts too much
it never works out
I don't see the point in love no more

that't I will never wake up
oh the tree or the dream

be a tree or a weed or a flower maybe
Ooooh let me become something else
so I could see covers arising
Oh ho give me these little pills you've told me about

so I don't have to listen to their lies, their lies
I wanna play this guitar so loud
and feel the dirt around me
I wanna smell the moss
I wanna go to a place more earthy

leave now
leave now
I want to leave now
but it is so damn cold
this city is full of sunshine

to leave now
that's why is fine for me
oh nothing at all
This place is giving me

I want to leave now, I want to leave now, I want to leave now
but it is so damn cold
This city is full of sunshine
that's why is time for me to leave now
nothing at all
This place is giving me

Relevant Tags:
RReady TTo GGo eady o o eRady oT oG deady fo ho dReady fTo hGo Rdeady Tfo Gho 4eady 5o yo 4Ready 5To yGo R4eady T5o Gyo geady ho bo
gReady hTo bGo Rgeady Tho Gbo teady yo vo tReady yTo vGo Rteady Tyo Gvo 5eady 6o fo 5Ready 6To fGo R5eady T6o Gfo feady go to fReady gTo tGo
Rfeady Tgo Gto eeady ro Goo eReady rTo G Reeady Tro Go Too Gk Rady T Gko Raedy To Gok Rsady Tk G9 Rseady Tko G9o Resady Tok Go9
R3ady T9 G0 R3eady T9o G0o Re3ady To9 Go0 Rfady T0 Gl T0o Glo Refady To0 Gol Rrady Tl Gi Rready Tlo Gio Rerady Tol Goi R4ady Ti
Tio Re4ady Toi Rdady Redady Rwady Rweady Rewady Reaady Redy Reday

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