Julie Delpy
Something A Bit Vague

There's something about your eyes
Something a bit vague
Oh, so lonely
but so damn lovely
There's something about your smile
Something a bit vague
Oh, so lovely
but a touch scary
There's something about the way you touch me
Just a bit cold
but definitely bold
There's something about the way you love me
Just a bit distant
but so damn persistent

And there's nothing about you I won't take
Nothing about you I could ever reject
'Cause there's something about you...

There's something about the way you hurt me
Something vicious and definitely sick
There's something about the way you worry
Sometimes so caring and always confusing

And there's nothing about you I won't take
Nothing about you I could ever regret
'Cause there's something about you I can't forget
'Cause there's something about you...
So lovely, so lovely
Lovely, lovely

Mirror lyrics:

Lovely, lovely
So lovely, so lovely
'Cause there's something about you...
'Cause there's something about you I can't forget
Nothing about you I could ever regret
And there's nothing about you I won't take

Sometimes so caring and always confusing
There's something about the way you worry
Something vicious and definitely sick
There's something about the way you hurt me

'Cause there's something about you...
Nothing about you I could ever reject
And there's nothing about you I won't take

but so damn persistent
Just a bit distant
There's something about the way you love me
but definitely bold
Just a bit cold
There's something about the way you touch me
but a touch scary
Oh, so lovely
Something a bit vague
There's something about your smile
but so damn lovely
Oh, so lonely
Something a bit vague
There's something about your eyes

Relevant Tags:
SSomething AA BBit VVague omething it ague oSmething A iBt aVgue zomething z vit bague zSomething zA vBit bVague Szomething Az Bvit Vbague
womething q git cague wSomething qA gBit cVague Swomething Aq Bgit Vcague domething s nit gague dSomething sA nBit gVague Sdomething As Bnit Vgague
eomething w hit fague eSomething wA hBit fVague Seomething Aw Bhit Vfague xomething x Biit Vaague xSomething xA Bt Vgue Sxomething Ax Bti Vgaue
aomething Bjt Vzgue aSomething Bjit Vzague Saomething Bijt Vazgue Soomething B9t Vqgue Smething B9it Vqague Smoething Bi9t Vaqgue
Skmething Blt Vsgue Skomething Blit Vsague Sokmething Bilt Vasgue S9mething Bot Vwgue S9omething Boit Vwague So9mething Biot Vawgue
S0mething Bkt Vxgue S0omething Bkit Vxague So0mething Bikt Vaxgue Slmething B8t Vaggue Slomething B8it Vaue Solmething Bi8t Vauge
Simething But Vahue Siomething Buit Vahgue Soimething Biut Vaghue Sommething Bitt Vayue Soething Bi Vaygue Soemthing Bit Vagyue
Sojething Bif Vabue Sojmething Bift Vabgue Somjething Bitf Vagbue Sokething Bi5 Vavue Bi5t Vavgue Somkething Bit5 Vagvue
Sonething Bih Vafue Sonmething Biht Vafgue Somnething Bith Vagfue Someething Biy Vatue Somthing Biyt Vatgue Somtehing Bity Vagtue
Somsthing Bi6 Vaguue Somsething Bi6t Vage Somesthing Bit6 Vageu Som3thing Big Vaghe Som3ething Bigt Some3thing Bitg Vaguhe
Somfthing Bir Vag7e Somfething Birt Vag7ue Somefthing Bitr Vagu7e Somrthing Vagke Somrething Vagkue Somerthing Vaguke
Som4thing Vagie Som4ething Vagiue Some4thing Vaguie Somdthing Vag8e Somdething Vag8ue Somedthing Vagu8e
Somwthing Vagje Somwething Vagjue Somewthing Vaguje Sometthing Vagye Somehing Somehting Vaguye
Somefhing Vaguee Vagu Sometfhing Vague Some5hing Vagus Some5thing Vaguse Somet5hing Vagues
Somehhing Vagu3

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