Juliana Hatfield
Might Be In Love

On a plane
On a runway
Cheap red eye
It's a one-way

Getting back to you
It takes forever
Will I ever hit the sky?

I think
I might
Be in love with you

I think
I might
Be in love with you

Whole seats
To myself
I'll lie down
And stretch out
But I know that I won't sleep at all
You're all I see when I close my eyes

I think
I might
Be in love with you

I think
I might
Be in love with you

I never had any reason not to roam
But tonight it feels like I'm going home

I think
I might
Be in love with you

I think
I might
Be in love with you

I think
I might
Be in love with you

Mirror lyrics:

Be in love with you
I might
I think

Be in love with you
I might
I think

Be in love with you
I might
I think

But tonight it feels like I'm going home
I never had any reason not to roam

Be in love with you
I might
I think

Be in love with you
I might
I think

You're all I see when I close my eyes
But I know that I won't sleep at all
And stretch out
I'll lie down
To myself
Whole seats

Be in love with you
I might
I think

Be in love with you
I might
I think

Will I ever hit the sky?
It takes forever
Getting back to you

It's a one-way
Cheap red eye
On a runway
On a plane

Relevant Tags:
MMight BBe IIn LLove ight e n ove iMght eB nI oLve jight ve jn kove jMight vBe jIn kLove Mjight Bve Ijn Lkove kight ge 9n oove
kMight gBe 9In oLove Mkight Bge I9n Loove night ne ln pove nMight nBe lIn pLove Mnight Bne Iln Lpove Miight he on Mght hBe oIn Lve
Mgiht Bhe Ion Lvoe Mjght Bee kn Lkve B kIn Mijght Be Ikn Lokve M9ght Bs 8n L9ve M9ight Bse 8In L9ove Mi9ght Bes I8n Lo9ve
Mlght B3 un L0ve Mlight B3e uIn L0ove Milght Be3 Iun Lo0ve Moght Bf Inn Llve Moight Bfe I Llove Mioght Bef In Lolve Mkght Br Im Live
Bre Imn Liove Mikght Ber Inm Loive M8ght B4 Ih Lovve M8ight B4e Ihn Loe Mi8ght Be4 Inh Loev Mught Bd Ij Lobe Muight Bde Lobve
Miught Bed Inj Lovbe Migght Bw Ib Loce Miht Bwe Ibn Locve Mihgt Bew Inb Lovce Mihht Loge Mihght Logve Mighht Lovge
Miyht Lofe Miyght Lofve Migyht Lovfe Mibht Lovee Mibght Lov

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