Julia Fordham
Love And Forgiveness

I watch the days and weeks and years roll by

I long since gave up trying to count them on my side

Along with all that I hereby confess

I'm learning how to live on love and forgiveness

Forgive me if I stop and rest awhile

I've walked a long and testing mighty million miles

Here in this little church within a church

I'm learning how to live on love and forgiveness

Love, carry me love, carry me love, carry me love

Carry me love and forgiveness

I'm living on love and forgiveness

I've kissed goodbye to all those little hurts

I sent them up in one big fire I made of words

And in my dealings and in my defence

I'm learning how to live on love and forgiveness

Love, carry me love, carry me love, carry me love

Carry me love and forgiveness

I'm living on love and forgiveness

It could be said

I was choking on my daily bread

I was caught up in a time that seemed endless

Oh carry me love and forgiveness

I'm living on love and forgiveness

I'm living on love and forgiveness

I'm living on love and forgiveness

I'm Living on love and forgiveness

Mirror lyrics:

I'm Living on love and forgiveness

I'm living on love and forgiveness

I'm living on love and forgiveness

I'm living on love and forgiveness

Oh carry me love and forgiveness

I was caught up in a time that seemed endless

I was choking on my daily bread

It could be said

I'm living on love and forgiveness

Carry me love and forgiveness

Love, carry me love, carry me love, carry me love

I'm learning how to live on love and forgiveness

And in my dealings and in my defence

I sent them up in one big fire I made of words

I've kissed goodbye to all those little hurts

I'm living on love and forgiveness

Carry me love and forgiveness

Love, carry me love, carry me love, carry me love

I'm learning how to live on love and forgiveness

Here in this little church within a church

I've walked a long and testing mighty million miles

Forgive me if I stop and rest awhile

I'm learning how to live on love and forgiveness

Along with all that I hereby confess

I long since gave up trying to count them on my side

I watch the days and weeks and years roll by

Relevant Tags:
LLove AAnd FForgiveness ove nd orgiveness oLve nAd oFrgiveness kove znd corgiveness kLove zAnd cForgiveness Lkove Aznd Fcorgiveness
oove qnd rorgiveness oLove qAnd rForgiveness Loove Aqnd Frorgiveness pove snd gorgiveness pLove sAnd gForgiveness Lpove Asnd Fgorgiveness
wnd torgiveness Lve wAnd tForgiveness Lvoe Awnd Ftorgiveness Lkve xnd vorgiveness xAnd vForgiveness Lokve Axnd Fvorgiveness
L9ve Annd dorgiveness L9ove Ad dForgiveness Lo9ve Adn Fdorgiveness L0ve Amd Foorgiveness L0ove Amnd Frgiveness Lo0ve Anmd Frogiveness
Llve Ahd Fkrgiveness Llove Ahnd Fkorgiveness Lolve Anhd Fokrgiveness Live Ajd F9rgiveness Liove Ajnd F9orgiveness Loive Anjd Fo9rgiveness
Lovve Abd F0rgiveness Loe Abnd F0orgiveness Loev Anbd Fo0rgiveness Lobe Andd Flrgiveness Lobve An Florgiveness Lovbe And Folrgiveness
Loce Anx Firgiveness Locve Anxd Fiorgiveness Lovce Andx Foirgiveness Loge Ane Forrgiveness Logve Aned Fogiveness Lovge Ande Fogriveness
Lofe Anf Fodgiveness Lofve Anfd Fodrgiveness Lovfe Andf Fordgiveness Lovee Anr Fo4giveness Lov Anrd Fo4rgiveness Love Andr For4giveness
Lovs Anc Foggiveness Lovse Ancd Fogrgiveness Loves Andc Forggiveness Lov3 Ans Fotgiveness Lov3e Ansd Fotrgiveness Love3 Ands Fortgiveness
Lovf Fo5giveness Fo5rgiveness Lovef For5giveness Lovr Fofgiveness Lovre Fofrgiveness Lover Forfgiveness
Lov4 Foegiveness Lov4e Foergiveness Love4 Foregiveness Lovd Lovde Foriveness Loved Forigveness
Lovw Forhiveness Lovwe Forhgiveness Lovew Forghiveness Foryiveness Forygiveness Forgyiveness
Forbiveness Forbgiveness Forgbiveness Forviveness Forvgiveness Forgviveness
Forfiveness Forgfiveness Fortiveness Forgtiveness Forgiiveness Forgveness
Forgvieness Forgjveness Forgjiveness Forgijveness Forg9veness Forg9iveness
Forgi9veness Forglveness Forgliveness Forgilveness Forgoveness Forgoiveness
Forgioveness Forgkveness Forgkiveness Forgikveness Forg8veness Forg8iveness
Forgi8veness Forguveness

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