Judy Garland
On The Atchison, Topeka, And The Santa Fe

What a lovely trip,
I'm feeling so fresh an alive,
and I'm so glad to arrive,
it's all so grand.
It's easy to see,
you don't need a palace,
to feel like Alice,
in wonderland.

Back in Ohio,
where I come from,
I've done a lot of dreamin an I've traveled some,
but I never thought I'd see the day,
When I ever took a ride on The Santa Fe.
(Wanna take a ride on The Santa Fe).

I would lean across my window sill,
and hear the whistle echoin across the hill,
then I'd watch the lights, till they fade away,
on the Atchison, Topeka, and The Santa Fe.

What a thrill,
(What a great big wonderful thrill).
With the wheels a singin westward ho,
right from the day I heard them start.
Cross the Kansas plains from New Mexico,
I guess I've got a little gypsy in my heart.

When I'm old and gray and settled down,
if I ever get a chance to sneak away from town,
then I'll spend my busmen's holiday,
on The Atchison, Topeka, and The Santa Fe.

(All aboard)!
All aboard!
(We came across the country, lickedy spilt).
Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo.
I can't believe I'm here at last.
Ooooooooooooooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo.
I can't believe that anything could go so fast.
Then you pull that throttle whistle blows,
A huffin and a puffin and a way she goes.
All aboard for Calaforn-i-a.
On The Atchison,
On The Atchison, Topeka,
On The Atchison, Topeka, and,
On The Atchison, Topeka, and The Santa Fe.

Mirror lyrics:

On The Atchison, Topeka, and The Santa Fe.
On The Atchison, Topeka, and,
On The Atchison, Topeka,
On The Atchison,
All aboard for Calaforn-i-a.
A huffin and a puffin and a way she goes.
Then you pull that throttle whistle blows,
I can't believe that anything could go so fast.
Ooooooooooooooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo.
I can't believe I'm here at last.
Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo.
(We came across the country, lickedy spilt).
All aboard!
(All aboard)!

on The Atchison, Topeka, and The Santa Fe.
then I'll spend my busmen's holiday,
if I ever get a chance to sneak away from town,
When I'm old and gray and settled down,

I guess I've got a little gypsy in my heart.
Cross the Kansas plains from New Mexico,
right from the day I heard them start.
With the wheels a singin westward ho,
(What a great big wonderful thrill).
What a thrill,

on the Atchison, Topeka, and The Santa Fe.
then I'd watch the lights, till they fade away,
and hear the whistle echoin across the hill,
I would lean across my window sill,

(Wanna take a ride on The Santa Fe).
When I ever took a ride on The Santa Fe.
but I never thought I'd see the day,
I've done a lot of dreamin an I've traveled some,
where I come from,
Back in Ohio,

in wonderland.
to feel like Alice,
you don't need a palace,
It's easy to see,
it's all so grand.
and I'm so glad to arrive,
I'm feeling so fresh an alive,
What a lovely trip,

Relevant Tags:
OOn TThe AAtchison, TTopeka, AAnd TThe SSanta FFe n he tchison, opeka, nd he anta e nO hTe tAchison, oTpeka, nAd hTe aSnta eF
kn fhe ztchison, fopeka, znd fhe zanta ce kOn fThe zAtchison, fTopeka, zAnd fThe zSanta cFe Okn Tfhe Aztchison, Tfopeka, Aznd Tfhe Szanta Fce
9n 5he qtchison, 5opeka, qnd 5he wanta re 9On 5The qAtchison, 5Topeka, qAnd 5The wSanta rFe O9n T5he Aqtchison, T5opeka, Aqnd T5he Swanta Fre
0n hhe stchison, hopeka, snd hhe danta ge 0On hThe sAtchison, hTopeka, sAnd hThe dSanta gFe O0n Thhe Astchison, Thopeka, Asnd Thhe Sdanta Fge
ln yhe wtchison, yopeka, wnd yhe eanta te lOn yThe wAtchison, yTopeka, wAnd yThe eSanta tFe Oln Tyhe Awtchison, Tyopeka, Awnd Tyhe Seanta Fte
in 6he xtchison, 6opeka, xnd 6he xanta ve iOn 6The xAtchison, 6Topeka, xAnd 6The xSanta vFe Oin T6he Axtchison, T6opeka, Axnd T6he Sxanta Fve
Onn ghe Attchison, gopeka, Annd ghe aanta de O gThe Achison, gTopeka, Ad gThe aSanta dFe On Tghe Acthison, Tgopeka, Adn Tghe Saanta Fde
Om rhe Afchison, ropeka, Amd rhe Fee Omn rThe Aftchison, rTopeka, Amnd rThe Snta F Onm Trhe Atfchison, Tropeka, Anmd Trhe Snata Fe
Oh A5chison, Toopeka, Ahd Sznta Fs Ohn Te A5tchison, Tpeka, Ahnd Te Fse Onh Teh At5chison, Tpoeka, Anhd Teh Saznta Fes
Oj Tje Ahchison, Tkpeka, Ajd Tje Sqnta F3 Ojn Tjhe Ahtchison, Tkopeka, Ajnd Tjhe Sqanta F3e Onj Thje Athchison, Tokpeka, Anjd Thje Saqnta Fe3
Ob Tue Aychison, T9peka, Abd Tue Ssnta Ff Obn Tuhe Aytchison, T9opeka, Abnd Tuhe Ssanta Ffe Onb Thue Atychison, To9peka, Anbd Thue Sasnta Fef
Tne A6chison, T0peka, Andd Tne Swnta Fr Tnhe A6tchison, T0opeka, An Tnhe Thne At6chison, To0peka, And Thne Sawnta Fer
Tbe Agchison, Tlpeka, Anx Tbe Sxnta F4 Tbhe Agtchison, Tlopeka, Anxd Tbhe F4e Thbe Atgchison, Tolpeka, Andx Thbe Saxnta Fe4
Tge Archison, Tipeka, Ane Tge Sannta Fd Artchison, Tiopeka, Aned Sata Thge Atrchison, Toipeka, Ande Thge Satna Fed
Tye Atcchison, Toppeka, Anf Tye Samta Fw Athison, Toeka, Anfd Samnta Fwe Thye Athcison, Toepka, Andf Thye Sanmta Few
Thee Atfhison, To0eka, Anr Thee Sahta Th Anrd Th Sahnta The Atcfhison, Top0eka, Andr The Sanhta
Ths Atxhison, Toleka, Anc Ths Sajta Thse Atxchison, Ancd Thse Sajnta Thes Atcxhison, Topleka, Andc Thes Sanjta
Th3 Atvhison, Tooeka, Ans Th3 Sabta Th3e Atvchison, Ansd Th3e Sabnta The3 Atcvhison, Topoeka, Ands The3 Sanbta
Thf Atdhison, Topeeka, Thf Santta Thfe Atdchison, Topka, Thfe Sana Thef Atcdhison, Topkea, Thef Sanat
Thr Atchhison, Topska, Thr Sanfa Thre Atcison, Topseka, Thre Sanfta Ther Atcihson, Topeska, Ther Santfa
Th4 Atcjison, Top3ka, Th4 San5a Th4e Atcjhison, Top3eka, Th4e San5ta The4 Atchjison, Tope3ka, The4 Sant5a
Thd Atcuison, Topfka, Thd Sanha Thde Atcuhison, Topfeka, Thde Thed Atchuison, Topefka, Thed Santha
Thw Atcnison, Toprka, Thw Sanya Thwe Atcnhison, Topreka, Thwe Sanyta Thew Atchnison, Toperka, Thew Santya
Atcbison, Top4ka, San6a Atcbhison, Top4eka, San6ta Atchbison, Tope4ka, Sant6a
Atcgison, Topdka, Sanga Atcghison, Topdeka, Sangta Atchgison, Topedka, Santga
Atcyison, Topwka, Sanra Atcyhison, Topweka, Sanrta Atchyison, Topewka, Santra

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