Pain Makes You Beautiful

"Pain makes you beautiful
I give you what you want, the pain and the pleasure
I'm no good for you
But then you're no good for yourself

I bring you pain
Pain makes you beautiful
I'm no good for you
You're no good for yourself

Strange and it's wonderful
How you tell me what you need, the joy and the treasure
Of pain's guilty pleasure
Love's pressure painfully

No sorrow tied
Tied to my hurting you
We delight in every torture I put you through

How did we find this place
This state where we satiate, where pain makes you beautiful
Strange and so wonderful where you're no good for yourself

I bring you pain
Pain makes you beautiful
I'm no good for you
You're no good for yourself

No sorrow tied
Tied to my hurting you
To the compromising position, to all the painful things I do

Pain makes you beautiful
I give you what you want, the pain and the pleasure
I'm no good for you, but then you're no good for youself"

Mirror lyrics:

I'm no good for you, but then you're no good for youself"
I give you what you want, the pain and the pleasure
Pain makes you beautiful

To the compromising position, to all the painful things I do
Tied to my hurting you
No sorrow tied

You're no good for yourself
I'm no good for you
Pain makes you beautiful
I bring you pain

Strange and so wonderful where you're no good for yourself
This state where we satiate, where pain makes you beautiful
How did we find this place

We delight in every torture I put you through
Tied to my hurting you
No sorrow tied

Love's pressure painfully
Of pain's guilty pleasure
How you tell me what you need, the joy and the treasure
Strange and it's wonderful

You're no good for yourself
I'm no good for you
Pain makes you beautiful
I bring you pain

But then you're no good for yourself
I'm no good for you
I give you what you want, the pain and the pleasure
"Pain makes you beautiful

Relevant Tags:
PPain MMakes YYou BBeautiful ain akes ou eautiful aPin aMkes oYu eBautiful 0ain jakes gou veautiful 0Pain jMakes gYou vBeautiful P0ain Mjakes Ygou Bveautiful
lain kakes hou geautiful lPain kMakes hYou gBeautiful Plain Mkakes Yhou Bgeautiful oain nakes 6ou neautiful oPain nMakes 6You nBeautiful Poain Mnakes Y6ou Bneautiful
Paain Maakes uou heautiful Pin Mkes uYou hBeautiful Pian Mkaes Yuou Bheautiful Pzin Mzkes 7ou Beeautiful Pzain Mzakes 7You Bautiful Pazin Mazkes Y7ou Baeutiful
Pqin Mqkes jou Bsautiful Pqain Mqakes jYou Bseautiful Paqin Maqkes Yjou Besautiful Psin Mskes tou B3autiful Psain Msakes tYou B3eautiful Pasin Maskes Ytou Be3autiful
Pwin Mwkes Yoou Bfautiful Pwain Mwakes Yu Bfeautiful Pawin Mawkes Yuo Befautiful Pxin Mxkes Yku Brautiful Pxain Mxakes Ykou Breautiful Paxin Maxkes Yoku Berautiful
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Pa9n Maoes Ylu Bwautiful Pa9in Maokes Ylou Bweautiful Pai9n Makoes Yolu Bewautiful Paln Mames Yiu Beaautiful Palin Mamkes Yiou Beutiful Pailn Makmes Yoiu Beuatiful
Paon Majes Youu Bezutiful Paoin Majkes Yo Bezautiful Paion Makjes You Beazutiful Pakn Maies Yoh Bequtiful Pakin Maikes Yohu Beqautiful Paikn Makies Youh Beaqutiful
Pa8n Makees Yo7 Besutiful Pa8in Maks Yo7u Pai8n Makse You7 Beasutiful Paun Makss Yok Bewutiful Pauin Makses Paiun Makess Youk Beawutiful
Painn Mak3s Yoi Bexutiful Pai Mak3es Bexautiful Pain Make3s Youi Beaxutiful Paim Makfs Yo8 Beauutiful Paimn Makfes Yo8u Beatiful Painm Makefs You8 Beatuiful
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Paib Makds Beaktiful Paibn Makdes Beakutiful Painb Makeds Beauktiful Makws Beaitiful Makwes Beaiutiful Makews Beauitiful
Bea8tiful Make Bea8utiful Makes Beau8tiful Makez Beajtiful Makezs Beajutiful Makesz Beaujtiful
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