Convalescing In Spain

Convalescing in Spain
Trying to purge this sickness
You started in me
At the outdoor cafes
Trying to cool this fever
Drink, relief, recovery
In the scratchy shade
Of a dusty almond tree
Boozing it up with friends I've made
Yeah, we laugh till we cry
They don't know my mind
Is oceans away
The people really like me here
My Spanish is getting better
But all I want to do is
Break away from them
And write you another letter
That I'll never send
I fold them into boats
Set them afloat in the
Neighborhood pool
The children love them till they
Sink and say, "Hagame uno mas!
Esos son muy cool!"
Running on the beach
Over the rocky part
I can almost forget that
Forgetting is the hardest part
That letting go
Is only a state of mind
That love is impure
That love is blind
I'm talkin' blinkers, baby
Running on the beach
Over the rocky part
I can almost forget that
Forgetting is the hardest part
Convalescing in Spain
I've been keeping a diary
And I must be getting well
Cause I write less of you
And more of me
Things like
Did we sleep through the best part?
Did we cry through the worst part?
Did we chinga through the good days?
Did we get stuck with the end?
Don't we cry when someone
Steals the show
Hate when it's someone we know?
Perhaps this is the best part
Convalescing in Spain
Perhaps this is the best part
Convalescing in Spain

Mirror lyrics:

Convalescing in Spain
Perhaps this is the best part
Convalescing in Spain
Perhaps this is the best part
Hate when it's someone we know?
Steals the show
Don't we cry when someone
Did we get stuck with the end?
Did we chinga through the good days?
Did we cry through the worst part?
Did we sleep through the best part?
Things like
And more of me
Cause I write less of you
And I must be getting well
I've been keeping a diary
Convalescing in Spain
Forgetting is the hardest part
I can almost forget that
Over the rocky part
Running on the beach
I'm talkin' blinkers, baby
That love is blind
That love is impure
Is only a state of mind
That letting go
Forgetting is the hardest part
I can almost forget that
Over the rocky part
Running on the beach
Esos son muy cool!"
Sink and say, "Hagame uno mas!
The children love them till they
Neighborhood pool
Set them afloat in the
I fold them into boats
That I'll never send
And write you another letter
Break away from them
But all I want to do is
My Spanish is getting better
The people really like me here
Is oceans away
They don't know my mind
Yeah, we laugh till we cry
Boozing it up with friends I've made
Of a dusty almond tree
In the scratchy shade
Drink, relief, recovery
Trying to cool this fever
At the outdoor cafes
You started in me
Trying to purge this sickness
Convalescing in Spain

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CConvalescing IIn SSpain onvalescing n pain oCnvalescing nI pSain fonvalescing jn zpain fConvalescing jIn zSpain Cfonvalescing Ijn Szpain
xonvalescing 9n wpain xConvalescing 9In wSpain Cxonvalescing I9n Swpain vonvalescing ln dpain vConvalescing lIn dSpain Cvonvalescing Iln Sdpain
donvalescing on epain dConvalescing oIn eSpain Cdonvalescing Ion Sepain Coonvalescing kn xpain Cnvalescing kIn xSpain Cnovalescing Ikn Sxpain
Cknvalescing 8n apain Ckonvalescing 8In aSpain Coknvalescing I8n Sapain C9nvalescing un Sppain C9onvalescing uIn Sain Co9nvalescing Iun Sapin
C0nvalescing Inn S0ain C0onvalescing I S0pain Co0nvalescing In Sp0ain Clnvalescing Im Slain Clonvalescing Imn Slpain Colnvalescing Inm Splain
Cinvalescing Ih Soain Cionvalescing Ihn Sopain Coinvalescing Inh Spoain Connvalescing Ij Spaain Covalescing Spin Covnalescing Inj Spian
Comvalescing Ib Spzin Comnvalescing Ibn Spzain Conmvalescing Inb Spazin Cohvalescing Spqin Cohnvalescing Spqain Conhvalescing Spaqin
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