Kari Rueslă´tten

i just want to lay myself down
drink the illusions and let it all float away
into the river of voices
one of them will speak and tell me where to go
i packed my thoughts and visions
headed for the light on the other side
although consoling was a myth
the tunnel was a con
i ran - but i never turned back
i have deported my own life
into this foolish splendour
i have brought the beauty of a soul
cold and dark as the last day
is the image of the dream
that made it all worth-while
in exile
if there is a sign out there hiding
come to me now or forever hold your peace
you'll find me in my room in the guesthouse
riding clouds that are hard to please
when there is a fight i will be there
it feels so good to do what one should not do
and i play i gamble and stay
i look - but i never turn back

Mirror lyrics:

i look - but i never turn back
and i play i gamble and stay
it feels so good to do what one should not do
when there is a fight i will be there
riding clouds that are hard to please
you'll find me in my room in the guesthouse
come to me now or forever hold your peace
if there is a sign out there hiding
in exile
that made it all worth-while
is the image of the dream
cold and dark as the last day
i have brought the beauty of a soul
into this foolish splendour
i have deported my own life
i ran - but i never turned back
the tunnel was a con
although consoling was a myth
headed for the light on the other side
i packed my thoughts and visions
one of them will speak and tell me where to go
into the river of voices
drink the illusions and let it all float away
i just want to lay myself down

Relevant Tags:
EExile xile xEile sxile sExile Esxile 3xile 3Exile E3xile fxile fExile
Efxile rxile rExile Erxile 4xile 4Exile E4xile dxile dExile Edxile wxile
wExile Ewxile Exxile Eile Eixle Edile Exdile Ezile Ezxile Exzile Ecile
Ecxile Excile Esile Exsile Exiile Exle Exlie Exjle Exjile Exijle Ex9le

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