Karate High School
One Trip Around The Sun

I'm all buckled up in my ten-ton rocket.
I've got your picture in my spacesuit pocket.
I hope that I don't explode...
I didn't think that I'd leave Earth this soon,
I'd rather be spending more time with you.
But there's something I want you to know:

One trip around the sun.
One more and I'll be done.

When I come back home I'll give you a spacesuit
And we'll head up over the clouds, just me and you.
My cabin walls start to shake.
Time to double check all the gauges in here.
Don't want to die up in the atmosphere.
The laws of physics will break.

Hold my hand, we're gonna blow this place.
We're going to take a chance out in outer space.
We'll leave the world behind, we'll leave the world behind.

I dream about how you and I will one day get together and we'll plan our big escape.
We'll start a home out on Mars.
Alien babies are the hot new trend.
I guess we'll have to have twenty five of them.
Nothing will keep us apart.

Hold my hand, we're gonna blow this place.
We're going to take a chance out in outer space.
We'll leave the world behind, we'll leave the world behind.

The G forces start to pull my face apart, and all I see are stars.

There's so many things to say, but the ink floats off the page.
And the rocket has no phone. I can't wait until I get home to you.

Hold my hand, we're gonna blow this place.
We're going to take a chance out in outer space.
We'll leave the world behind, we'll leave the world behind

Mirror lyrics:

We'll leave the world behind, we'll leave the world behind
We're going to take a chance out in outer space.
Hold my hand, we're gonna blow this place.

And the rocket has no phone. I can't wait until I get home to you.
There's so many things to say, but the ink floats off the page.

The G forces start to pull my face apart, and all I see are stars.

We'll leave the world behind, we'll leave the world behind.
We're going to take a chance out in outer space.
Hold my hand, we're gonna blow this place.

Nothing will keep us apart.
I guess we'll have to have twenty five of them.
Alien babies are the hot new trend.
We'll start a home out on Mars.
I dream about how you and I will one day get together and we'll plan our big escape.

We'll leave the world behind, we'll leave the world behind.
We're going to take a chance out in outer space.
Hold my hand, we're gonna blow this place.

The laws of physics will break.
Don't want to die up in the atmosphere.
Time to double check all the gauges in here.
My cabin walls start to shake.
And we'll head up over the clouds, just me and you.
When I come back home I'll give you a spacesuit

One more and I'll be done.
One trip around the sun.

But there's something I want you to know:
I'd rather be spending more time with you.
I didn't think that I'd leave Earth this soon,
I hope that I don't explode...
I've got your picture in my spacesuit pocket.
I'm all buckled up in my ten-ton rocket.

Relevant Tags:
OOne TTrip AAround TThe SSun ne rip round he un nOe rTip rAound hTe uSn kne frip zround fhe zun kOne fTrip zAround fThe zSun Okne Tfrip Azround Tfhe Szun
9ne 5rip qround 5he wun 9One 5Trip qAround 5The wSun O9ne T5rip Aqround T5he Swun 0ne hrip sround hhe dun 0One hTrip sAround hThe dSun O0ne Thrip Asround Thhe Sdun
lne yrip wround yhe eun lOne yTrip wAround yThe eSun Olne Tyrip Awround Tyhe Seun ine 6rip xround 6he xun iOne 6Trip xAround 6The xSun Oine T6rip Axround T6he Sxun
Onne grip Arround ghe aun Oe gTrip Aound gThe aSun Oen Tgrip Aorund Tghe Saun Ome rrip Adound rhe Suun Omne rTrip Adround rThe Sn Onme Trrip Ardound Trhe Snu
Ohe A4ound Shn Ohne Tip A4round Te Shun Onhe Tirp Ar4ound Teh Suhn Oje Tdip Agound Tje S7n Ojne Tdrip Aground Tjhe S7un Onje Trdip Argound Thje Su7n
Obe T4ip Atound Tue Skn Obne T4rip Atround Tuhe Skun Onbe Tr4ip Artound Thue Sukn Onee Tgip A5ound Tne Sin On A5round Tnhe Siun One Trgip Ar5ound Thne Suin
Ons Ttip Afound Tbe S8n Onse Ttrip Afround Tbhe S8un Ones Trtip Arfound Thbe Su8n On3 T5ip Aeound Tge Sjn On3e Aeround Sjun One3 Tr5ip Areound Thge Sujn
Onf Tfip Aroound Tye Syn Onfe Arund Syun Onef Trfip Aruond Thye Suyn Onr Teip Arkund Thee Sunn Onre Terip Arkound Th Su Oner Treip Arokund The Sun
On4 Triip Ar9und Ths Sum On4e Trp Ar9ound Thse Sumn One4 Trpi Aro9und Thes Sunm Ond Trjp Ar0und Th3 Suh Onde Trjip Ar0ound Th3e Oned Trijp Aro0und The3 Sunh
Onw Tr9p Arlund Thf Suj Onwe Tr9ip Arlound Thfe Onew Tri9p Arolund Thef Sunj Trlp Ariund Thr Sub

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