Judy Collins
Maid Of Constant Sorrow

I am a maid of constant sorrow

I've seen trials all of my days

I'm going back to California

Place where I was partly raised

Your friends may say that I'm a stranger

My face they'll never see no more

There is but one promise that's given

I'll sail on God's golden shore

All through this world I'm bound to ramble

Through sun and wind and drivin' rain

I'm bound to ride the western railway

Perhaps I'll take the very next train

I am a maid of constant sorrow

I've seen trials all of my days

I'm going back to California

Place where I was partly raised

Mirror lyrics:

Place where I was partly raised

I'm going back to California

I've seen trials all of my days

I am a maid of constant sorrow

Perhaps I'll take the very next train

I'm bound to ride the western railway

Through sun and wind and drivin' rain

All through this world I'm bound to ramble

I'll sail on God's golden shore

There is but one promise that's given

My face they'll never see no more

Your friends may say that I'm a stranger

Place where I was partly raised

I'm going back to California

I've seen trials all of my days

I am a maid of constant sorrow

Relevant Tags:
MMaid OOf CConstant SSorrow aid f onstant orrow aMid fO oCnstant oSrrow jaid kf fonstant zorrow jMaid kOf fConstant zSorrow Mjaid Okf Cfonstant Szorrow
kaid 9f xonstant worrow kMaid 9Of xConstant wSorrow Mkaid O9f Cxonstant Sworrow naid 0f vonstant dorrow nMaid 0Of vConstant dSorrow Mnaid O0f Cvonstant Sdorrow
Maaid lf donstant eorrow Mid lOf dConstant eSorrow Miad Olf Cdonstant Seorrow Mzid if Coonstant xorrow Mzaid iOf Cnstant xSorrow Mazid Oif Cnostant Sxorrow
Mqid Off Cknstant aorrow Mqaid O Ckonstant aSorrow Maqid Of Coknstant Saorrow Msid Oc C9nstant Soorrow Msaid Ocf C9onstant Srrow Masid Ofc Co9nstant Srorow
Mwid Or C0nstant Skrrow Mwaid Orf C0onstant Skorrow Mawid Ofr Co0nstant Sokrrow Mxid Og Clnstant S9rrow Mxaid Ogf Clonstant S9orrow Maxid Ofg Colnstant So9rrow
Maiid Ot Cinstant S0rrow Mad Otf Cionstant S0orrow Madi Oft Coinstant So0rrow Majd Ov Connstant Slrrow Majid Ovf Costant Slorrow Maijd Ofv Cosntant Solrrow
Ma9d Od Comstant Sirrow Ma9id Odf Comnstant Siorrow Mai9d Ofd Conmstant Soirrow Mald Cohstant Sorrrow Malid Cohnstant Sorow Maild Conhstant Sorrow
Maod Cojstant Sodrow Maoid Cojnstant Sodrrow Maiod Conjstant Sordrow Makd Cobstant So4row Makid Cobnstant So4rrow Maikd Conbstant Sor4row
Ma8d Consstant Sogrow Ma8id Contant Sogrrow Mai8d Contsant Sorgrow Maud Conztant Sotrow Mauid Conzstant Sotrrow Maiud Consztant Sortrow
Maidd Conwtant So5row Mai Conwstant So5rrow Maid Conswtant Sor5row Maix Condtant Sofrow Maixd Condstant Sofrrow Maidx Consdtant Sorfrow
Maie Conetant Soerow Maied Conestant Soerrow Maide Consetant Sorerow Maif Conxtant Maifd Conxstant Maidf Consxtant Sororw
Mair Conatant Sordow Maird Conastant Maidr Consatant Sorrdow Maic Consttant Sor4ow Maicd Consant Maidc Consatnt Sorr4ow
Mais Consfant Sorgow Maisd Consftant Maids Constfant Sorrgow

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