Judy Collins
Bard Of My Heart

The summer was sweet and the flowers were blooming

The wind was as gentle and sweet as a kiss

The great northern lights danced above us till morning

The stars were like diamonds, we each made our wish

The mountains were green and they climbed to the heavens

The rivers ran sparkling down to the sea

Your laugh like a bell filled my heart with such gladness

Our songs they were happy, our voices were free

We built a green bower of willows and roses

Sang of our pleasures and sang of our woes

How could we have known this would be your last summer

How precious the bower, how precious the rose

The world without you has gone dark as the winter

The sounds of the river are frozen and still

The lark has grown silent, the stars have no luster

But I'll live through this darkness, I know that I will

I know I will find you among the bright flowers

We'll walk in the rain and we'll dance in the wind

We'll build a green bower and fish all the rivers

We'll watch the stars fall and we'll smile once again

I still love you more than the earth and its beauties

You are all my seasons, we never shall part

For though I have lost you, you live on forever

Oh, joy of my future, oh child of my heart

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, joy of my future, oh child of my heart

For though I have lost you, you live on forever

You are all my seasons, we never shall part

I still love you more than the earth and its beauties

We'll watch the stars fall and we'll smile once again

We'll build a green bower and fish all the rivers

We'll walk in the rain and we'll dance in the wind

I know I will find you among the bright flowers

But I'll live through this darkness, I know that I will

The lark has grown silent, the stars have no luster

The sounds of the river are frozen and still

The world without you has gone dark as the winter

How precious the bower, how precious the rose

How could we have known this would be your last summer

Sang of our pleasures and sang of our woes

We built a green bower of willows and roses

Our songs they were happy, our voices were free

Your laugh like a bell filled my heart with such gladness

The rivers ran sparkling down to the sea

The mountains were green and they climbed to the heavens

The stars were like diamonds, we each made our wish

The great northern lights danced above us till morning

The wind was as gentle and sweet as a kiss

The summer was sweet and the flowers were blooming

Relevant Tags:
BBard OOf MMy HHeart ard f y eart aBrd fO yM eHart vard kf jy jeart vBard kOf jMy jHeart Bvard Okf Mjy Hjeart gard 9f ky ueart
gBard 9Of kMy uHeart Bgard O9f Mky Hueart nard 0f ny neart nBard 0Of nMy nHeart Bnard O0f Mny Hneart hard lf Myy beart hBard lOf M bHeart
Bhard Olf My Hbeart Baard if Mg geart Brd iOf Mgy gHeart Brad Oif Myg Hgeart Bzrd Off Mh yeart Bzard O Mhy yHeart Bazrd Of Myh Hyeart
Bqrd Oc M6 Heeart Bqard Ocf M6y Hart Baqrd Ofc My6 Haert Bsrd Or Mu Hsart Bsard Orf Muy Hseart Basrd Ofr Myu Hesart Bwrd Og M7 H3art
Bward Ogf M7y H3eart Bawrd Ofg My7 He3art Bxrd Ot Mj Hfart Bxard Otf Hfeart Baxrd Oft Myj Hefart Barrd Ov Mt Hrart Bad Ovf Mty Hreart
Badr Ofv Myt Herart Badd Od H4art Badrd Odf H4eart Bardd Ofd He4art Ba4d Hdart Ba4rd Hdeart Bar4d Hedart
Bagd Hwart Bagrd Hweart Bargd Hewart Batd Heaart Batrd Hert Bartd Herat Ba5d Hezrt
Ba5rd Hezart Bar5d Heazrt Bafd Heqrt

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