Forget This Time

Midnight on the way,

alone with my thoughts

Tomorrow's gonna fade from today

There's something here pushing me

and I just can't get it straight

My days keep rearranging

and I can't keep up with the change

Now comes the sun

Burns off the fog out of my head

but there's something wrong

Something's wrong - can't make it right

Want to forget this time

Something's wrong - can't make it right

Want to forget this time

Went to the man, said it's o.k.

Pay me the money, get on your way

You know he don't know It feels dark

I feel alone with these thoughts

Looking through the wrong end

and I feel that way again

Mirror lyrics:

and I feel that way again

Looking through the wrong end

I feel alone with these thoughts

You know he don't know It feels dark

Pay me the money, get on your way

Went to the man, said it's o.k.

Want to forget this time

Something's wrong - can't make it right

Want to forget this time

Something's wrong - can't make it right

but there's something wrong

Burns off the fog out of my head

Now comes the sun

and I can't keep up with the change

My days keep rearranging

and I just can't get it straight

There's something here pushing me

Tomorrow's gonna fade from today

alone with my thoughts

Midnight on the way,

Relevant Tags:
FForget TThis TTime orget his ime oFrget hTis iTme corget fhis fime cForget fThis fTime Fcorget Tfhis Tfime rorget 5his 5ime
rForget 5This 5Time Frorget T5his T5ime gorget hhis hime gForget hThis hTime Fgorget Thhis Thime torget yhis yime tForget yThis yTime
Ftorget Tyhis Tyime vorget 6his 6ime vForget 6This 6Time Fvorget T6his T6ime dorget ghis gime dForget gThis gTime Fdorget Tghis Tgime
Foorget rhis rime Frget rThis rTime Froget Trhis Trime Fkrget Tiime Fkorget Tis Tme Fokrget Tihs Tmie F9rget Tjis Tjme
F9orget Tjhis Tjime Fo9rget Thjis Tijme F0rget Tuis T9me F0orget Tuhis T9ime Fo0rget Thuis Ti9me Flrget Tnis Tlme Florget Tnhis Tlime
Folrget Thnis Tilme Firget Tbis Tome Fiorget Tbhis Toime Foirget Thbis Tiome Forrget Tgis Tkme Foget Tkime Fogret Thgis Tikme
Fodget Tyis T8me Fodrget T8ime Fordget Thyis Ti8me Fo4get Thiis Tume Fo4rget Ths Tuime For4get Thsi Tiume Fogget Thjs Timme
Fogrget Tie Forgget Thijs Tiem Fotget Th9s Tije Fotrget Th9is Fortget Thi9s Timje Fo5get Thls Tike Fo5rget Thlis
For5get Thils Timke Fofget Thos Tine Fofrget Thois Tinme Forfget Thios Timne Foeget Thks Timee Foerget Thkis Tim Foreget Thiks Time

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