Judas Priest
New Beginnings

Now at last my dream is real
I found peace
True love can heal
On the journey throughout time
A new beginning has arrived
At the crossroads of my life
This new love keeps me alive

I never knew that this could happen to me
So many lonely days and nights
I never knew that you were waiting for me
Hope was out of dight
And suddenly I see the future clearly
No longer living in the past
As I let go

Living the dream
Of my life
I was alone no-one in sight
This love - make me believe that you're the one
Never give up - our day has come

I never felt that this could happen to me
So many lonely days and lonely nights
I never knew that you were waiting for me
Hope was out of sight
And suddenly I see the future clearly
Finally I know at last
I can let go

Mirror lyrics:

I can let go
Finally I know at last
And suddenly I see the future clearly
Hope was out of sight
I never knew that you were waiting for me
So many lonely days and lonely nights
I never felt that this could happen to me

Never give up - our day has come
This love - make me believe that you're the one
I was alone no-one in sight
Of my life
Living the dream

As I let go
No longer living in the past
And suddenly I see the future clearly
Hope was out of dight
I never knew that you were waiting for me
So many lonely days and nights
I never knew that this could happen to me

This new love keeps me alive
At the crossroads of my life
A new beginning has arrived
On the journey throughout time
True love can heal
I found peace
Now at last my dream is real

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