Katy Perry
If You Can Afford Me

If you want me, a cherry on top, the pick of the peck,
The crème de la crop.
If you want me you better do better than that tonight.
Oh, Oh.
If you want me, it takes more than a wink,
And more than a drink, more than you think.
If you want me you're gunna have to break the bank, tonight.
Cuz some don't have the patience, some call me high-maintenance
But you pay the bill, cuz, that's the deal.

If you wanna ride, just name your price don't play cheap, with your heart
Don't make a bet if you can't write the check, for me, for me.
Cuz I can be bought, but you'll pay the cost
If you can afford me

If you want me, I'm not a piece of ass, a one night stand, a storage ship
I think you better walk by, tonight
Oh, no.
If you want me, then stop begging I don't put out for charity
If you want me there's no discount price tonight
But I don't need your dollar bills I just want something real
Cuz, nothing's free, except a lovin' me

If you wanna ride, just name your price don't play cheap, with your heart
Don't make a bet if you can't write the check, for me, for me.
Cuz I can be bought, but you'll pay the cost
If you can afford me

If you want me, a cherry on top,
The pick of the peck, the crème de la crop

If you wanna ride, just name your price don't play cheap, with your heart
Don't make a bet if you can't write the check, for me, for me.
Cuz I can be bought, but you'll pay the cost
If you can afford -

If you wanna ride, just name your price don't play cheap, with your heart
Don't make a bet if you can't write the check, for me, for me.
Cuz I can be bought, but you'll pay the cost
If you can afford me

Mirror lyrics:

If you can afford me
Cuz I can be bought, but you'll pay the cost
Don't make a bet if you can't write the check, for me, for me.
If you wanna ride, just name your price don't play cheap, with your heart

If you can afford -
Cuz I can be bought, but you'll pay the cost
Don't make a bet if you can't write the check, for me, for me.
If you wanna ride, just name your price don't play cheap, with your heart

The pick of the peck, the crème de la crop
If you want me, a cherry on top,

If you can afford me
Cuz I can be bought, but you'll pay the cost
Don't make a bet if you can't write the check, for me, for me.
If you wanna ride, just name your price don't play cheap, with your heart

Cuz, nothing's free, except a lovin' me
But I don't need your dollar bills I just want something real
If you want me there's no discount price tonight
If you want me, then stop begging I don't put out for charity
Oh, no.
I think you better walk by, tonight
If you want me, I'm not a piece of ass, a one night stand, a storage ship

If you can afford me
Cuz I can be bought, but you'll pay the cost
Don't make a bet if you can't write the check, for me, for me.
If you wanna ride, just name your price don't play cheap, with your heart

But you pay the bill, cuz, that's the deal.
Cuz some don't have the patience, some call me high-maintenance
If you want me you're gunna have to break the bank, tonight.
And more than a drink, more than you think.
If you want me, it takes more than a wink,
Oh, Oh.
If you want me you better do better than that tonight.
The crème de la crop.
If you want me, a cherry on top, the pick of the peck,

Relevant Tags:
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8f jou Czn Affford M3 8If jYou Czan Aford M3e I8f Yjou Cazn Afford Me3 uf tou Cqn Acford Mf uIf tYou Cqan Acfford Mfe Iuf Ytou Caqn Afcford Mef
Iff Yoou Csn Arford Mr I Yu Csan Arfford Mre If Yuo Casn Afrford Mer Ic Yku Cwn Agford M4 Icf Ykou Cwan Agfford M4e Ifc Yoku Cawn Afgford Me4
Ir Y9u Cxn Atford Md Irf Y9ou Atfford Mde Ifr Yo9u Caxn Aftford Med Ig Y0u Cann Avford Mw Igf Y0ou Ca Avfford Mwe Ifg Yo0u Can Afvford Mew
It Ylu Cam Adford Itf Ylou Camn Adfford Ift Yolu Canm Afdford Iv Yiu Cah Ivf Yiou Cahn Ifv Yoiu Canh Afofrd
Id Youu Caj Afcord Idf Yo Cajn Ifd You Canj Affcord Yoh Cab Afrord Yohu Cabn Youh Canb Affrord
Yo7 Afgord Yo7u You7 Affgord Yok Aftord Youk Afftord Yoi Afvord

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