Keith Moon
Solid Gold

It's number one
(It's number one)
On your local radio
( On your local radio)
In the hall of fame, I'll be named
For my contribution.

It's solid gold
(It's sold gold)
I'm over come with joy
( And he's over come with joy)
And now I've topped the charts
Bless your hearts
I'm an institution.

I tip my hat to
( I tip my hat to)
Captains of industry
( Captains of industry)
You made me what I am,
a once unknown production
I'm a household word today ev.

And I want to tell the world
(And he wants to tell the world)
That the tax will bite
( Bite)
It's all right
Because I'm making millions.

Solid gold, solid gold
(over Guitar solo)

I'm on my way
(He's on his way)
To a life of luxury
( To a life of luxury)
And now I can't back out
There is no doubt,
I was meant to make it.

(Taken all this time to hear him say...)

It's solid gold
(Solid gold)
Solid gold
All mine
Solid solid gold
Lovely solid gold
Solid gold
Lots and lots of solid solid gold
Give me more MCA
More gold
Solid gold
I'll do anything, for gold

Mirror lyrics:

I'll do anything, for gold
Solid gold
More gold
Give me more MCA
Lots and lots of solid solid gold
Solid gold
Lovely solid gold
Solid solid gold
All mine
Solid gold
(Solid gold)
It's solid gold

(Taken all this time to hear him say...)

I was meant to make it.
There is no doubt,
And now I can't back out
( To a life of luxury)
To a life of luxury
(He's on his way)
I'm on my way

(over Guitar solo)
Solid gold, solid gold

Because I'm making millions.
It's all right
( Bite)
That the tax will bite
(And he wants to tell the world)
And I want to tell the world

I'm a household word today ev.
a once unknown production
You made me what I am,
( Captains of industry)
Captains of industry
( I tip my hat to)
I tip my hat to

I'm an institution.
Bless your hearts
And now I've topped the charts
( And he's over come with joy)
I'm over come with joy
(It's sold gold)
It's solid gold

For my contribution.
In the hall of fame, I'll be named
( On your local radio)
On your local radio
(It's number one)
It's number one

Relevant Tags:
SSolid GGold olid old oSlid oGld zolid hold zSolid hGold Szolid Ghold wolid yold wSolid yGold Swolid Gyold dolid bold dSolid bGold
Sdolid Gbold eolid vold eSolid vGold Seolid Gvold xolid fold xSolid fGold Sxolid Gfold aolid told aSolid tGold Saolid Gtold Soolid Goold
Slid Gld Sloid Glod Sklid Gkld Skolid Gkold Soklid Gokld S9lid G9ld S9olid G9old So9lid Go9ld S0lid G0ld S0olid G0old So0lid Go0ld
Sllid Glld Slolid Glold Sollid Golld Silid Gild Siolid Giold Soilid Goild Soid God Soild Godl Sokid Gokd Solkid Golkd

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