Keith Green
I Don't Wanna Fall Away From You

After all the things that you have shown me
I'd be a fool to let them slip away
In doing things I know I shouldn't do
But I don't want to fall away from you
From you

After all
I've only grieved Your spirit
And then I don't know why You stay with me
But every time I fall Your love comes through
And I don't want to fall away from You

When the light is gone
And good times are getting old
There's no one left to count on
And all my friends are cold
When I thirst for love oh Lord
You're a fountain to my soul
My soul
My soul
Oh Lord
My soul

In a way my life is full of burdens
But in a way You carry them from me
Cause no one understands the way You do
And you know Lord
I don't want to fall away from You

Well every day I pray to start anew
Cause I don't want to fall away from You

No Lord
I don't wanna fall away from You
No Lord
I don't wanna fall away from You

From You...Lord

Mirror lyrics:

From You...Lord

I don't wanna fall away from You
No Lord
I don't wanna fall away from You
No Lord

Cause I don't want to fall away from You
Well every day I pray to start anew

I don't want to fall away from You
And you know Lord
Cause no one understands the way You do
But in a way You carry them from me
In a way my life is full of burdens

My soul
Oh Lord
My soul
My soul
You're a fountain to my soul
When I thirst for love oh Lord
And all my friends are cold
There's no one left to count on
And good times are getting old
When the light is gone

And I don't want to fall away from You
But every time I fall Your love comes through
And then I don't know why You stay with me
I've only grieved Your spirit
After all

From you
But I don't want to fall away from you
In doing things I know I shouldn't do
I'd be a fool to let them slip away
After all the things that you have shown me

Relevant Tags:
II DDon't WWanna FFall AAway FFrom YYou on't anna all way rom ou I oDn't aWnna aFll wAay rFom oYu j xon't aanna call zway crom gou jI xDon't aWanna cFall zAway cFrom gYou
Ij Dxon't Waanna Fcall Azway Fcrom Ygou 9 eon't 3anna rall qway rrom hou 9I eDon't 3Wanna rFall qAway rFrom hYou I9 Deon't W3anna Frall Aqway Frrom Yhou l fon't danna gall sway grom 6ou
lI fDon't dWanna gFall sAway gFrom 6You Il Dfon't Wdanna Fgall Asway Fgrom Y6ou o ron't eanna tall wway trom uou oI rDon't eWanna tFall wAway tFrom uYou Io Dron't Weanna Ftall Awway Ftrom Yuou
k con't sanna vall xway vrom 7ou kI cDon't sWanna vFall xAway vFrom 7You Ik Dcon't Wsanna Fvall Axway Fvrom Y7ou 8 son't 2anna dall drom jou 8I sDon't 2Wanna dFall Aay dFrom jYou
I8 Dson't W2anna Fdall Aawy Fdrom Yjou u Doon't qanna Faall Aaay tou uI Dn't qWanna Fll Aaway Fom tYou Iu Dno't Wqanna Flal Awaay Form Ytou Dkn't Fzll A3ay Fdom Yoou
Dkon't Wnna Fzall A3way Yu Dokn't Wnana Fazll Aw3ay Frdom Yuo D9n't Wznna Fqll Aday F4om Yku D9on't Wzanna Fqall Adway F4rom Ykou Do9n't Waznna Faqll Awday Fr4om Yoku
D0n't Wqnna Fsll Aeay Fgom Y9u D0on't Fsall Aeway Y9ou Do0n't Waqnna Fasll Aweay Frgom Yo9u Dln't Wsnna Fwll Asay Ftom Y0u Dlon't Fwall Y0ou
Doln't Wasnna Fawll Awsay Frtom Yo0u Din't Wwnna Fxll A2ay F5om Ylu Dion't Wwanna Fxall A2way F5rom Ylou Doin't Wawnna Faxll Aw2ay Fr5om Yolu Donn't Wxnna Falll Aqay Ffom Yiu
Do't Wxanna Fal Ffrom Yiou

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