Keith Anderson
Every Time I Hear Your Name


Fin'lly got over that song of ours; stopped chasin' little red sports cars,
To check the license plates an' I QUIT DRIVIN BY YOUR PLACE.
Back makin' the rounds at our old haunts: Honky Tonks, restaurants.
An' seein' some of our old friends: it feels good to dance again.
An' I can fin'lly smell your perfume an' not look around the room for you.
An' I can walk right by your picture in a frame an' not feel a thing.

But when I hear your name,
I feel rain fallin' right out of the blue sky.
An' it's the fifth of May, an' I'm right there starin' in your eyes.
An' nothin's changed, an' we're still same.
An' I get lost in the innocence of a first kiss,
An' I'm hangin' on to every word rollin' off of your lips:
An' that's all it takes, an' I'm in that place,
Every time I hear your name.

Got someone special in my life: everyone thinks she'd make a great wife.
Dad says he thinks she's the one: reminds him of Mom when she was young,
But it's way too soon to be talkin 'bout rings; don't wanna rush into anything.
She's getting over someone too, kinda like me an' you.
An' she talks about him every once in a while, an' I just nod my head an' smile,
'Cause I know exactly what she's goin' through: yeah, I've been there too.

When the conversation turns to you,
I get caught in a "you were the only one for me",
Kinda thought, an' your face is all that I see.
I know I can't go back but I still go back.
An' there we are, parked down by the riverside,
An' I'm in your arms about to make love for the first time,
An' that's all it takes, an' I'm in that place,
Every time I hear your name.

Start thinkin' 'bout the words I left unsaid.
(Every time I hear your name.)
Stop tryin' the change the things I can't change.
(Every time I hear your name.)
In my heart I know you're gone, but in my head,

I feel rain fallin' right out of the blue sky.
An' it's the fifth of May, an' I'm right there starin' in your eyes.
That's all it takes, an' I'm in that place.
An' there we are, parked down by the riverside,
An' I'm in your arms about to make love for the first time.
An' I can't explain, but I'm in that place,
Every time I hear your name.
Every time I hear your name.
(Every time I hear your name.)
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
(Every time I hear your name.)
Ah ah.
Every time I hear your name.

Mirror lyrics:

Every time I hear your name.
Ah ah.
(Every time I hear your name.)
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
(Every time I hear your name.)
Every time I hear your name.
Every time I hear your name.
An' I can't explain, but I'm in that place,
An' I'm in your arms about to make love for the first time.
An' there we are, parked down by the riverside,
That's all it takes, an' I'm in that place.
An' it's the fifth of May, an' I'm right there starin' in your eyes.
I feel rain fallin' right out of the blue sky.

In my heart I know you're gone, but in my head,
(Every time I hear your name.)
Stop tryin' the change the things I can't change.
(Every time I hear your name.)
Start thinkin' 'bout the words I left unsaid.

Every time I hear your name.
An' that's all it takes, an' I'm in that place,
An' I'm in your arms about to make love for the first time,
An' there we are, parked down by the riverside,
I know I can't go back but I still go back.
Kinda thought, an' your face is all that I see.
I get caught in a "you were the only one for me",
When the conversation turns to you,

'Cause I know exactly what she's goin' through: yeah, I've been there too.
An' she talks about him every once in a while, an' I just nod my head an' smile,
She's getting over someone too, kinda like me an' you.
But it's way too soon to be talkin 'bout rings; don't wanna rush into anything.
Dad says he thinks she's the one: reminds him of Mom when she was young,
Got someone special in my life: everyone thinks she'd make a great wife.

Every time I hear your name.
An' that's all it takes, an' I'm in that place,
An' I'm hangin' on to every word rollin' off of your lips:
An' I get lost in the innocence of a first kiss,
An' nothin's changed, an' we're still same.
An' it's the fifth of May, an' I'm right there starin' in your eyes.
I feel rain fallin' right out of the blue sky.
But when I hear your name,

An' I can walk right by your picture in a frame an' not feel a thing.
An' I can fin'lly smell your perfume an' not look around the room for you.
An' seein' some of our old friends: it feels good to dance again.
Back makin' the rounds at our old haunts: Honky Tonks, restaurants.
To check the license plates an' I QUIT DRIVIN BY YOUR PLACE.
Fin'lly got over that song of ours; stopped chasin' little red sports cars,


Relevant Tags:
EEvery TTime II HHear YYour NName very ime ear our ame vEery iTme I eHar oYur aNme svery fime j jear gour mame sEvery fTime jI jHear gYour mName
Esvery Tfime Ij Hjear Ygour Nmame 3very 5ime 9 uear hour hame 3Every 5Time 9I uHear hYour hName E3very T5ime I9 Huear Yhour Nhame fvery hime l near 6our jame
fEvery hTime lI nHear 6Your jName Efvery Thime Il Hnear Y6our Njame rvery yime o bear uour bame rEvery yTime oI bHear uYour bName Ervery Tyime Io Hbear Yuour Nbame
4very 6ime k gear 7our Naame 4Every 6Time kI gHear 7Your Nme E4very T6ime Ik Hgear Y7our Nmae dvery gime 8 year jour Nzme dEvery gTime 8I yHear jYour Nzame
Edvery Tgime I8 Hyear Yjour Nazme wvery rime u Heear tour Nqme wEvery rTime uI Har tYour Nqame Ewvery Trime Iu Haer Ytour Naqme Evvery Tiime Hsar Yoour Nsme
Eery Tme Hsear Yur Nsame Eevry Tmie Hesar Yuor Nasme Ebery Tjme H3ar Ykur Nwme Ebvery Tjime H3ear Ykour Nwame Evbery Tijme He3ar Yokur Nawme
Ecery T9me Hfar Y9ur Nxme Ecvery T9ime Hfear Y9our Nxame Evcery Ti9me Hefar Yo9ur Naxme Egery Tlme Hrar Y0ur Namme Egvery Tlime Hrear Y0our Nae
Evgery Tilme Herar Yo0ur Naem Efery Tome H4ar Ylur Naje Toime H4ear Ylour Najme Evfery Tiome He4ar Yolur Namje Eveery Tkme Hdar Yiur Nake
Evry Tkime Hdear Yiour Nakme Evrey Tikme Hedar Yoiur Namke Evsry T8me Hwar Youur Nane Evsery T8ime Hwear Yor Nanme Evesry Ti8me Hewar Yoru Namne
Ev3ry Tume Heaar Yohr Namee Ev3ery Tuime Her Yohur Nam Eve3ry Tiume Hera Youhr Name Evfry Timme Hezr Yo7r Nams Tie Hezar Yo7ur Namse
Evefry Tiem Heazr You7r Names

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