The Only Light We Shall See

Your suffering my call
This lack of will your fall

As time stands still you ponder more
There's no way out as your blood hits hits the floor
You've built this throne i've made you blind
Thoughts of changing you come to my mind

I have these other thoughts
That come to my mind
This feat so easily
Achieved to end your life with mine

Now you beg for your deprogram
Your tears begin to stain
This rope which holds you tight
My apathy now becomes your pain
This wood is old
And the floor's
About to go and the moon
The only light we see
I take a glance
As the clock begins to move
Now it's time
You must end your life
With me as we bleed
You take from me
My love so strong
This ascendancy

Your suffering my call
This lack of will your fall [x4]

I'm afraid of heaven
I'm afraid of hell
A child should not be
Subjected to images of these

Mirror lyrics:

Subjected to images of these
A child should not be
I'm afraid of hell
I'm afraid of heaven

This lack of will your fall [x4]
Your suffering my call

This ascendancy
My love so strong
You take from me
With me as we bleed
You must end your life
Now it's time
As the clock begins to move
I take a glance
The only light we see
About to go and the moon
And the floor's
This wood is old
My apathy now becomes your pain
This rope which holds you tight
Your tears begin to stain
Now you beg for your deprogram

Achieved to end your life with mine
This feat so easily
That come to my mind
I have these other thoughts

Thoughts of changing you come to my mind
You've built this throne i've made you blind
There's no way out as your blood hits hits the floor
As time stands still you ponder more

This lack of will your fall
Your suffering my call

Relevant Tags:
TThe OOnly LLight WWe SShall SSee he nly ight e hall ee hTe nOly iLght eW hSall eSe fhe knly kight ae zhall zee fThe kOnly kLight aWe zShall zSee
Tfhe Oknly Lkight Wae Szhall Szee 5he 9nly oight 3e whall wee 5The 9Only oLight 3We wShall wSee T5he O9nly Loight W3e Swhall Swee hhe 0nly pight de dhall dee
hThe 0Only pLight dWe dShall dSee Thhe O0nly Lpight Wde Sdhall Sdee yhe lnly Liight ee ehall eee yThe lOnly Lght eWe eShall eSee Tyhe Olnly Lgiht Wee Sehall Seee
6he inly Ljght se xhall xee 6The iOnly Ljight sWe xShall xSee T6he Oinly Lijght Wse Sxhall Sxee ghe Onnly L9ght 2e ahall aee gThe Oly L9ight 2We aShall aSee
Tghe Olny Li9ght W2e Sahall Saee rhe Omly Llght qe Shhall rThe Omnly Llight qWe Sall Se Trhe Onmly Lilght Wqe Sahll See Ohly Loght Sjall Sse
Te Ohnly W Sjhall Ssee Teh Onhly Lioght We Shjall Sese Tje Ojly Lkght Ws Suall S3e Tjhe Ojnly Suhall S3ee Thje Onjly Likght Wes Shuall Se3e
Tue Obly L8ght W3 Snall Sfe Tuhe Obnly L8ight Snhall Sfee Thue Onbly Li8ght We3 Shnall Sefe Tne Onlly Lught Wf Sball Sre Tnhe Ony Luight Wfe Sbhall Sree
Thne Onyl Liught Wef Shball Sere Tbe Onky Ligght Wr Sgall S4e Tbhe Onkly Liht Wre Sghall S4ee Thbe Onlky Lihgt Wer Shgall Se4e Tge Onoy Lihht W4 Syall Sde
Onoly Lihght W4e Syhall Thge Onloy Lighht We4 Shyall Sede Tye Onpy Liyht Wd Shaall Swe Onply Liyght Shll Thye Onlpy Ligyht Wed Shlal Sewe
Thee Onlyy Libht Ww Shzll Th Onl Libght Wwe Shzall

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