Life On The Sun

Windless summer, snowless winter
Starless night time, loveless valentine
Days that come and go a sometime ending
Nowhere going flow, I don't pretend to know

Shine on me so bright I can't look back
Trust so deep without condition
The infinite zeroes that follow the one

For all we know there is life on the sun

People come and go that I don't really know
So hurt me and I won't hurt you back
'Cause karma takes care of that

Shine on me so bright I can't look back
Trust so deep without condition
The infinite zeroes that follow the one

For all we know there is life on the sun

There are losers and there are heroes
And ten times always turns to zero
Still we follow the one
For all we know there could be life on the sun

Windless summer, snowless winter
Starless night time, loveless valentine
For all we know there is life on the sun
For all we know for all we know
for all we know there is life on the sun

Mirror lyrics:

for all we know there is life on the sun
For all we know for all we know
For all we know there is life on the sun
Starless night time, loveless valentine
Windless summer, snowless winter

For all we know there could be life on the sun
Still we follow the one
And ten times always turns to zero
There are losers and there are heroes

For all we know there is life on the sun

The infinite zeroes that follow the one
Trust so deep without condition
Shine on me so bright I can't look back

'Cause karma takes care of that
So hurt me and I won't hurt you back
People come and go that I don't really know

For all we know there is life on the sun

The infinite zeroes that follow the one
Trust so deep without condition
Shine on me so bright I can't look back

Nowhere going flow, I don't pretend to know
Days that come and go a sometime ending
Starless night time, loveless valentine
Windless summer, snowless winter

Relevant Tags:
LLife OOn TThe SSun ife n he un iLfe nO hTe uSn kife kn fhe zun kLife kOn fThe zSun Lkife Okn Tfhe Szun oife 9n 5he wun
oLife 9On 5The wSun Loife O9n T5he Swun pife 0n hhe dun pLife 0On hThe dSun Lpife O0n Thhe Sdun Liife ln yhe eun Lfe lOn yThe eSun
Lfie Oln Tyhe Seun Ljfe in 6he xun Ljife iOn 6The xSun Lijfe Oin T6he Sxun L9fe Onn ghe aun L9ife O gThe aSun Li9fe On Tghe Saun
Llfe Om rhe Suun Llife Omn rThe Sn Lilfe Onm Trhe Snu Lofe Oh Shn Ohn Te Shun Liofe Onh Teh Suhn Lkfe Oj Tje S7n
Ojn Tjhe S7un Likfe Onj Thje Su7n L8fe Ob Tue Skn L8ife Obn Tuhe Skun Li8fe Onb Thue Sukn Lufe Tne Sin Luife Tnhe Siun
Liufe Thne Suin Liffe Tbe S8n Lie Tbhe S8un

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