The Party's Over (hopelessly In Love)

You never call me up
When I'm alone at night
What can this poor boy do
When he's hopelessly in love with you?

So I will tell you now
This love is fallin' down
Just what more can I do
When I'm hopelessly in love with you?

Hopelessly in love
Hopelessly in love
Hopelessly in love with you

So I will tell you this
Our love is in a fix
Just what more can I do
When I'm hopelessly in love with you?

You never call me up
When I'm alone at night
What can a poor boy do
When he's hopelessly in love with you?

Hopelessly in love
Hopelessly in love
Hopelessly in love with you

Hopelessly in love
Hopelessly in love
I'm hopelessly in love with you

Ooh, bye-bye baby

The party's over,
I have gone away... (Repeat until fade)

Mirror lyrics:

I have gone away... (Repeat until fade)
The party's over,

Ooh, bye-bye baby

I'm hopelessly in love with you
Hopelessly in love
Hopelessly in love

Hopelessly in love with you
Hopelessly in love
Hopelessly in love

When he's hopelessly in love with you?
What can a poor boy do
When I'm alone at night
You never call me up

When I'm hopelessly in love with you?
Just what more can I do
Our love is in a fix
So I will tell you this

Hopelessly in love with you
Hopelessly in love
Hopelessly in love

When I'm hopelessly in love with you?
Just what more can I do
This love is fallin' down
So I will tell you now

When he's hopelessly in love with you?
What can this poor boy do
When I'm alone at night
You never call me up

Relevant Tags:
TThe PParty's OOver ((hopelessly IIn LLove) he arty's ver hopelessly n ove) hTe aPrty's vOer h(opelessly nI oLve)
fhe 0arty's kver (hhopelessly jn kove) fThe 0Party's kOver (opelessly jIn kLove) Tfhe P0arty's Okver (ohpelessly Ijn Lkove)
5he larty's 9ver (jopelessly 9n oove) 5The lParty's 9Over (jhopelessly 9In oLove) T5he Plarty's O9ver (hjopelessly I9n Loove)
hhe oarty's 0ver (uopelessly ln pove) hThe oParty's 0Over (uhopelessly lIn pLove) Thhe Poarty's O0ver (huopelessly Iln Lpove)
yhe Paarty's lver (nopelessly on yThe Prty's lOver (nhopelessly oIn Lve) Tyhe Praty's Olver (hnopelessly Ion Lvoe)
6he Pzrty's iver (bopelessly kn Lkve) 6The Pzarty's iOver (bhopelessly kIn T6he Pazrty's Oiver (hbopelessly Ikn Lokve)
ghe Pqrty's Ovver (gopelessly 8n L9ve) gThe Pqarty's Oer (ghopelessly 8In L9ove) Tghe Paqrty's Oevr (hgopelessly I8n Lo9ve)
rhe Psrty's Ober (yopelessly un L0ve) rThe Psarty's Obver (yhopelessly uIn L0ove) Trhe Pasrty's Ovber (hyopelessly Iun Lo0ve)
Pwrty's Ocer (hoopelessly Inn Llve) Te Pwarty's Ocver (hpelessly I Llove) Teh Pawrty's Ovcer (hpoelessly In Lolve)
Tje Pxrty's Oger (hkpelessly Im Live) Tjhe Pxarty's Ogver (hkopelessly Imn Liove) Thje Paxrty's Ovger (hokpelessly Inm Loive)
Tue Parrty's Ofer (h9pelessly Ih Lovve) Tuhe Paty's Ofver (h9opelessly Ihn Loe) Thue Patry's Ovfer (ho9pelessly Inh Loev)
Tne Padty's Oveer (h0pelessly Ij Lobe) Tnhe Padrty's Ovr (h0opelessly Lobve) Thne Pardty's Ovre (ho0pelessly Inj Lovbe)
Tbe Pa4ty's Ovsr (hlpelessly Ib Loce) Tbhe Pa4rty's Ovser (hlopelessly Ibn Locve) Thbe Par4ty's Ovesr (holpelessly Inb Lovce)
Tge Pagty's Ov3r (hipelessly Loge) Pagrty's Ov3er (hiopelessly Logve) Thge Pargty's Ove3r (hoipelessly Lovge)
Tye Patty's Ovfr (hoppelessly Lofe) Patrty's (hoelessly Lofve) Thye Partty's Ovefr (hoeplessly Lovfe)
Thee Pa5ty's Ovrr (ho0elessly Lovee) Th Pa5rty's Ovrer Lov) The Par5ty's Overr (hop0elessly Lov)e
Ths Pafty's Ov4r (holelessly Lovs) Thse Pafrty's Ov4er Lovse) Thes Parfty's Ove4r (hoplelessly Loves)
Th3 Paety's Ovdr (hooelessly Lov3) Th3e Paerty's Ovder Lov3e) The3 Parety's Ovedr (hopoelessly Love3)
Thf Ovwr (hopeelessly Lovf) Thfe Pary's Ovwer (hoplessly Thef Paryt's Ovewr (hopleessly Lovef)
Thr Parfy's (hopslessly Lovr) Thre Ove (hopselessly Lovre) Ther Partfy's Over (hopeslessly Lover)
Th4 Par5y's Oved (hop3lessly Lov4) Th4e (hop3elessly Lov4e) The4 Part5y's Overd (hope3lessly Love4)
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