Joy Williams

Run, it's always your instinct
Run, it feels like the right thing to turn your back and run
Where, where are you going as fast as you can run

Slow down, come on, take a breath
Why don't you rest
What's your hurry

Chorus: Stay
Just Stay
You're where you're meant to be
You're no runaway
Why don't you stay

So long, yesterday's gone
So long to all of your worries that won't add a day to life

Slow down, come on, take a breath
Why don't you rest
What's your hurry


Lay your weary head down in the fields of green
Soak your soul now in the quiet streams


Where, where are you going as fast as you can

Mirror lyrics:

Where, where are you going as fast as you can


Soak your soul now in the quiet streams
Lay your weary head down in the fields of green


What's your hurry
Why don't you rest
Slow down, come on, take a breath

So long to all of your worries that won't add a day to life
So long, yesterday's gone

Why don't you stay
You're no runaway
You're where you're meant to be
Just Stay
Chorus: Stay

What's your hurry
Why don't you rest
Slow down, come on, take a breath

Where, where are you going as fast as you can run
Run, it feels like the right thing to turn your back and run
Run, it's always your instinct

Relevant Tags:
SStay tay tSay ztay zStay Sztay wtay wStay Swtay dtay dStay
Sdtay etay eStay Setay xtay xStay Sxtay atay aStay Satay Sttay
Say Saty Sfay Sftay Stfay S5ay S5tay St5ay Shay Shtay Sthay
Syay Sytay Styay S6ay S6tay St6ay Sgay Sgtay Stgay Sray Srtay

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