Right Here With Me

What do we do
What do we say
Now that we
Finally want to work things out
So we can fall in love again
Basically, spend with me
Night and Day
Because I need you in my life
So desperately

Really don't wanna fight no more
Let's make it like it used to be
So in love we have to be together, everyday

It's been a while
Since I seen your face
I can't believe you're here with me
Right here with me
Look in my eyes
Can't you see the pain
It's over now you're here with me
Right here with me

Let's take our time
Talk it out
Cause baby
I don't think we knew each other
Like we think we did
Let's take a walk
Hold hands
The fire that's been put out
I wanna be the flame again


Hook x2

Oh Now that you're here we can start over
Make it even better this time for sure
I almost gave up on us but love
Came around for us again
Cause we were meant to be

Hook X2

Right here with me (right here with me)
Right here with me (So glad you're here with me)
Right here with me (right here with me)
Right here with me (so glad you're here with me, I can't believe)

Mirror lyrics:

Right here with me (so glad you're here with me, I can't believe)
Right here with me (right here with me)
Right here with me (So glad you're here with me)
Right here with me (right here with me)

Hook X2

Cause we were meant to be
Came around for us again
I almost gave up on us but love
Make it even better this time for sure
Oh Now that you're here we can start over

Hook x2


I wanna be the flame again
The fire that's been put out
Hold hands
Let's take a walk
Like we think we did
I don't think we knew each other
Cause baby
Talk it out
Let's take our time

Right here with me
It's over now you're here with me
Can't you see the pain
Look in my eyes
Right here with me
I can't believe you're here with me
Since I seen your face
It's been a while

So in love we have to be together, everyday
Let's make it like it used to be
Really don't wanna fight no more

So desperately
Because I need you in my life
Night and Day
Basically, spend with me
So we can fall in love again
Finally want to work things out
Now that we
What do we say
What do we do

Relevant Tags:
RRight HHere WWith MMe ight ere ith e iRght eHre iWth eM dight jere aith je dRight jHere aWith jMe Rdight Hjere Waith Mje
4ight uere 3ith ke 4Right uHere 3With kMe R4ight Huere W3ith Mke gight nere dith ne gRight nHere dWith nMe Rgight Hnere Wdith Mne
tight bere eith Mee tRight bHere eWith M Rtight Hbere Weith Me 5ight gere sith Ms 5Right gHere sWith Mse R5ight Hgere Wsith Mes
fight yere 2ith M3 fRight yHere 2With M3e Rfight Hyere W2ith Me3 eight Heere qith Mf eRight Hre qWith Mfe Reight Hree Wqith Mef
Riight Hsre Wiith Mr Rght Hsere Wth Mre Rgiht Hesre Wtih Mer Rjght H3re Wjth M4 Rjight H3ere Wjith M4e Rijght He3re Wijth Me4
R9ght Hfre W9th Md R9ight Hfere W9ith Mde Ri9ght Hefre Wi9th Med Rlght Hrre Wlth Mw Rlight Hrere Wlith Mwe Rilght Herre Wilth Mew
Roght H4re Woth Roight H4ere Woith Rioght He4re Wioth Rkght Hdre Wkth Rkight Hdere Wkith Rikght Hedre Wikth
R8ght Hwre W8th R8ight Hwere W8ith Ri8ght Hewre Wi8th Rught Wuth Ruight Hee Wuith Riught Heer Wiuth
Rigght Hede Witth Riht Wih Rihgt Herde Wiht Rihht He4e Wifh Rihght Wifth Righht Her4e Witfh

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