Will Hoge
Draw The Curtain

I've been so lonely, I surely hope this turns out right.
Baby, I was thinking maybe you would, stay, with me tonight

there ain't no sense in driving
when its already two to four
and i don't think i could stand bleeding across the wire
of another lonely broken midnight call, oh but that's not all
if you come to me
like honey in the springtime
i'll fall into your arms like rain
one thing is certain
in the morning when we draw the curtain
it'll be a brand new day

so won't you hear my invitation, allow yourself to slip on down
cause i'll be right here beside you, trying not make a single sound
and if you would, let me climb on up your staircase love
bring you kisses sweet with wine
dance with the splendor of a thousand fools in love
just sweet like the moonlight every time

oh if you come to me, like honey in the springtime
i fall into your arms like rain
one thing is certain, in the morning when we draw the curtain
it will be a brand new day

oh if you come to me, like honey in the springtime
i fall into your arms like rain
one thing is certain, in the morning when we draw the curtain
it will be a brand new day
oh it'll be a brand new day
gonna be a brand new day

Mirror lyrics:

gonna be a brand new day
oh it'll be a brand new day
it will be a brand new day
one thing is certain, in the morning when we draw the curtain
i fall into your arms like rain
oh if you come to me, like honey in the springtime

it will be a brand new day
one thing is certain, in the morning when we draw the curtain
i fall into your arms like rain
oh if you come to me, like honey in the springtime

just sweet like the moonlight every time
dance with the splendor of a thousand fools in love
bring you kisses sweet with wine
and if you would, let me climb on up your staircase love
cause i'll be right here beside you, trying not make a single sound
so won't you hear my invitation, allow yourself to slip on down

it'll be a brand new day
in the morning when we draw the curtain
one thing is certain
i'll fall into your arms like rain
like honey in the springtime
if you come to me
of another lonely broken midnight call, oh but that's not all
and i don't think i could stand bleeding across the wire
when its already two to four
there ain't no sense in driving

Baby, I was thinking maybe you would, stay, with me tonight
I've been so lonely, I surely hope this turns out right.

Relevant Tags:
DDraw TThe CCurtain raw he urtain rDaw hTe uCrtain xraw fhe furtain xDraw fThe fCurtain Dxraw Tfhe Cfurtain eraw 5he xurtain
eDraw 5The xCurtain Deraw T5he Cxurtain fraw hhe vurtain fDraw hThe vCurtain Dfraw Thhe Cvurtain rraw yhe durtain rDraw yThe dCurtain
Drraw Tyhe Cdurtain craw 6he Cuurtain cDraw 6The Crtain Dcraw T6he Crutain sraw ghe Chrtain sDraw gThe Churtain Dsraw Tghe Cuhrtain
rhe C7rtain Daw rThe C7urtain Darw Trhe Cu7rtain Ddaw Ckrtain Ddraw Te Ckurtain Drdaw Teh Cukrtain D4aw Tje Cirtain
D4raw Tjhe Ciurtain Dr4aw Thje Cuirtain Dgaw Tue C8rtain Dgraw Tuhe C8urtain Drgaw Thue Cu8rtain Dtaw Tne Cjrtain Dtraw Tnhe Cjurtain
Drtaw Thne Cujrtain D5aw Tbe Cyrtain D5raw Tbhe Cyurtain Dr5aw Thbe Cuyrtain Dfaw Tge Currtain Cutain Drfaw Thge Cutrain
Deaw Tye Cudtain Cudrtain Dreaw Thye Curdtain Draaw Thee Cu4tain Drw Th Cu4rtain Drwa The Cur4tain Drzw Ths Cugtain
Drzaw Thse Cugrtain Drazw Thes Curgtain Drqw Th3 Cuttain Drqaw Th3e Cutrtain Draqw The3 Curttain Drsw Thf Cu5tain Drsaw Thfe Cu5rtain
Drasw Thef Cur5tain Drww Thr Cuftain Drwaw Thre Cufrtain Draww Ther Curftain Drxw Th4 Cuetain Drxaw Th4e Cuertain Draxw The4 Curetain
Thd Dra Thde Curain Draw Thed Curatin Draa Thw Curfain Thwe Drawa Thew Curtfain

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