Post Life

My life is born in pain
Pain weaves fragile threads into dreams,
Skies that are annihilated by
The infinity of the galaxy

Infinity, man's unsolved riddle in eternity
But the fairytale of our life
That became reality
Will never be destroyed

Our hands tied together
For a harsh life
When we met on a cold winter's night
Where only stars witnessed our happiness

Lay three red roses on my grave
They are for you once you follow me
Then I will wait by the gate
Which I was denied in my youth
The roses are three words
I love you

Mirror lyrics:

I love you
The roses are three words
Which I was denied in my youth
Then I will wait by the gate
They are for you once you follow me
Lay three red roses on my grave

Where only stars witnessed our happiness
When we met on a cold winter's night
For a harsh life
Our hands tied together

Will never be destroyed
That became reality
But the fairytale of our life
Infinity, man's unsolved riddle in eternity

The infinity of the galaxy
Skies that are annihilated by
Pain weaves fragile threads into dreams,
My life is born in pain

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