A Broken Whisper

silence slowly comes to me...
embraces me so tight to keep me cold...
a thought that's drifting through my mind...
struggles to be free and wails alone...

embraces me... so tight...
struggles to... be free...

we turn to stone!
we don't find home!

can you hear this broken whisper?
can you hear it how it calls?
we turn to stone!
we don't find home!

Mirror lyrics:

we don't find home!
we turn to stone!
can you hear it how it calls?
can you hear this broken whisper?

we don't find home!
we turn to stone!

struggles to... be free...
embraces me... so tight...

struggles to be free and wails alone...
a thought that's drifting through my mind...
embraces me so tight to keep me cold...
silence slowly comes to me...

Relevant Tags:
AA BBroken WWhisper roken hisper A rBoken hWisper z vroken ahisper zA vBroken aWhisper Az Bvroken Wahisper q groken 3hisper
qA gBroken 3Whisper Aq Bgroken W3hisper s nroken dhisper sA nBroken dWhisper As Bnroken Wdhisper w hroken ehisper wA hBroken eWhisper
Aw Bhroken Wehisper x Brroken shisper xA Boken sWhisper Ax Borken Wshisper Bdoken 2hisper Bdroken 2Whisper Brdoken W2hisper
B4oken qhisper B4roken qWhisper Br4oken Wqhisper Bgoken Whhisper Wisper Brgoken Wihsper Btoken Wjisper
Btroken Wjhisper Brtoken Whjisper B5oken Wuisper B5roken Wuhisper Br5oken Whuisper Bfoken Wnisper Bfroken Wnhisper
Brfoken Whnisper Beoken Wbisper Beroken Wbhisper Breoken Whbisper Brooken Wgisper Brken Wghisper Brkoen Whgisper
Brkken Wyisper Brkoken Wyhisper Brokken Whyisper Br9ken Whiisper Br9oken Whsper Bro9ken Whsiper Br0ken Whjsper
Br0oken Bro0ken Whijsper Brlken Wh9sper Brloken Wh9isper Brolken Whi9sper Briken Whlsper Brioken Whlisper
Broiken Whilsper Whosper Broen Whoisper Broekn Whiosper Brolen Whksper Whkisper Broklen Whiksper
Brooen Wh8sper Wh8isper Brokoen Whi8sper Bromen Whusper Bromken Brokmen Whiusper Brojen Whissper
Brojken Whiper Brokjen Whipser

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