Wishbone Ash
Blind Eye

Blind Eye :: Wishbone Ash

You turned a blind eye to everything I ever said,
You turned a blind eye to everything I ever did.
You didn't worry, why call your telephone?
You didn't worry, baby,
You're just content to roam around.
Yes, you are.

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, you are.
You're just content to roam around.
You didn't worry, baby,
You didn't worry, why call your telephone?
You turned a blind eye to everything I ever did.
You turned a blind eye to everything I ever said,

Blind Eye :: Wishbone Ash

Relevant Tags:
BBlind EEye lind ye lBind yEe vlind sye vBlind sEye Bvlind Esye glind 3ye gBlind 3Eye Bglind E3ye nlind fye nBlind fEye
Bnlind Efye hlind rye hBlind rEye Bhlind Erye Bllind 4ye Bind 4Eye Bilnd E4ye Bkind dye Bklind dEye Blkind Edye Boind wye
Bolind wEye Bloind Ewye Bpind Eyye Bplind Ee Blpind Eey Bliind Ege Blnd Egye Blnid Eyge Bljnd Ehe Bljind Ehye Blijnd Eyhe
Bl9nd E6e Bl9ind E6ye Bli9nd Ey6e Bllnd Eue Euye Blilnd Eyue Blond E7e E7ye Bliond Ey7e

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