On The Edge Of Eternity

Out of this time my spirit flies away
I left behind this restless world
Somewhere out there, beyond the horizon
There's my destiny, feelings of grand mystery

Oh, immortality is calling
My soul is searching for peace and harmony

Now I'm heading for the space, to see the light divine
And this journey never ends, it goes on evermore

I past the universe, and stars so bright
In my solitude, out of all pain
Reflection from past, things that I've said and done
They all came to me from shadows of my history

Oh, immortality is calling
My soul is searching for peace and harmony

Now I'm heading for the space, to see the light divine
And the journey never ends, it goes on evermore

It goes on evermore

Is there a chance to born again?
Are they waiting for me in hell?
Or reincarnate as something else?
Can I live forever, live forever?

I break the chains, finally I found my peace of mind
There's no remorse, I should carry on
In my dreams, the portrait of the future is so clear
Oh, what I see, seems so unreal
Oh, I don't wanna wake up reality
It's my eternity

Still I'm heading for the space, to see the light divine
Though this journey never ends
I can believe what I dare to dream

Mirror lyrics:

I can believe what I dare to dream
Though this journey never ends
Still I'm heading for the space, to see the light divine

It's my eternity
Oh, I don't wanna wake up reality
Oh, what I see, seems so unreal
In my dreams, the portrait of the future is so clear
There's no remorse, I should carry on
I break the chains, finally I found my peace of mind

Can I live forever, live forever?
Or reincarnate as something else?
Are they waiting for me in hell?
Is there a chance to born again?

It goes on evermore

And the journey never ends, it goes on evermore
Now I'm heading for the space, to see the light divine

My soul is searching for peace and harmony
Oh, immortality is calling

They all came to me from shadows of my history
Reflection from past, things that I've said and done
In my solitude, out of all pain
I past the universe, and stars so bright

And this journey never ends, it goes on evermore
Now I'm heading for the space, to see the light divine

My soul is searching for peace and harmony
Oh, immortality is calling

There's my destiny, feelings of grand mystery
Somewhere out there, beyond the horizon
I left behind this restless world
Out of this time my spirit flies away

Relevant Tags:
OOn TThe EEdge OOf EEternity n he dge f ternity nO hTe dEge fO tEernity kn fhe sdge kf sternity kOn fThe sEdge kOf sEternity Okn Tfhe Esdge Okf Esternity
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Onn ghe ddge Off dternity O gThe dEdge O dEternity On Tghe Eddge Of Edternity Om rhe wdge Oc wternity Omn rThe wEdge Ocf wEternity Onm Trhe Ewdge Ofc Ewternity
Oh Or Etternity Ohn Te Ege Orf Eernity Onh Teh Egde Ofr Eetrnity Oj Tje Exge Og Efernity Ojn Tjhe Exdge Ogf Onj Thje Edxge Ofg Etfernity
Ob Tue Eege Ot E5ernity Obn Tuhe Eedge Otf E5ternity Onb Thue Edege Oft Et5ernity Tne Efge Ov Ehernity Tnhe Ovf Ehternity Thne Edfge Ofv Ethernity
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