Xavier Rudd

So come sit down
Will you talk with me now?
Let me see through your eyes
Where there is so much life
We are biding our time
For these myths to unwind
These changes we will confront

So please beware
With every place that you had
Look to your soul
For these things that you know
For the trees that we see
Cannot forever breathe
With the changes they will confront

You know some people
They just wont understand
They just wont understand these things
Thank you for your message
But I don't understand
No, I just wont understand these things

This sacred land it has
Seen many hands, it has
Wealth and gold yet it is
Fragile and old and all the
Greedy souls just don't care to know
Of the changes it will confront

So speak out loud of the
Things you are proud
And if you love this coast
Keep it clean as it evolves
Cos the way that it shines
May just dwindle with time
With the changes it will confront

You know some people
They just wont understand
They just wont understand these things
Thank you for your message
But I don't understand
No, I just wont understand these things
You know some people
They just wont understand
They just wont understand these things
Thank you for your message
But I don't understand
No, I just wont understand these things

So hold nice and close
The ones that get to your soul
So that when it is cold
You wont feel so alone
Cos the roads that you take
May just crack and break
With the changes you will confront

With each gift that you share
You may heal and repair
With each choice that you make
You may help someone's day
Well I know you are strong
May your journey be long
Now I wish you the best of luck
Well I know you are strong
May your journey be long
And now I wish you the best of luck

Mirror lyrics:

And now I wish you the best of luck
May your journey be long
Well I know you are strong
Now I wish you the best of luck
May your journey be long
Well I know you are strong
You may help someone's day
With each choice that you make
You may heal and repair
With each gift that you share

With the changes you will confront
May just crack and break
Cos the roads that you take
You wont feel so alone
So that when it is cold
The ones that get to your soul
So hold nice and close

No, I just wont understand these things
But I don't understand
Thank you for your message
They just wont understand these things
They just wont understand
You know some people
No, I just wont understand these things
But I don't understand
Thank you for your message
They just wont understand these things
They just wont understand
You know some people

With the changes it will confront
May just dwindle with time
Cos the way that it shines
Keep it clean as it evolves
And if you love this coast
Things you are proud
So speak out loud of the

Of the changes it will confront
Greedy souls just don't care to know
Fragile and old and all the
Wealth and gold yet it is
Seen many hands, it has
This sacred land it has

No, I just wont understand these things
But I don't understand
Thank you for your message
They just wont understand these things
They just wont understand
You know some people

With the changes they will confront
Cannot forever breathe
For the trees that we see
For these things that you know
Look to your soul
With every place that you had
So please beware

These changes we will confront
For these myths to unwind
We are biding our time
Where there is so much life
Let me see through your eyes
Will you talk with me now?
So come sit down

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