Xanthe Littlemore
East From West

V1) Blood is thicker than tears but hey,
you don't have to be perfect just be your best
I'm am someone's daughter,
made of earth and clay yet like the angels, nothing less
And in this one act tragic comedy
I've got to find myself a way to get myself free

CH) I don't need no one to tell me east from west
I don't ever wanna settle for the second best

V2) 'Cause every time I turned around there was someone's
disapproving frown inside the door
So I decided to live for myself,
'cause in the end nobody came worth living for
Because the fullest fields can feed a lot
But I could never give what I never got

CH) I don't need no one to tell me east from west
I don't ever wanna settle for the second best

Bridge) Don't need nobody givin' me that good advice
Just a little tenderness would be so nice
As we watch the sun rise

V3) So I thanked them for helping me,
I thanked them for I could see the false from real
The time had come, the bags were packed,
the lines were cast and we were finally setting sail
I've got to hold on to these dreams I've found
'Cause they're the only thing that are keeping me above the ground

CH) I don't need no one to tell me east from west
I don't ever wanna settle for the second best

Mirror lyrics:

I don't ever wanna settle for the second best
CH) I don't need no one to tell me east from west

'Cause they're the only thing that are keeping me above the ground
I've got to hold on to these dreams I've found
the lines were cast and we were finally setting sail
The time had come, the bags were packed,
I thanked them for I could see the false from real
V3) So I thanked them for helping me,

As we watch the sun rise
Just a little tenderness would be so nice
Bridge) Don't need nobody givin' me that good advice

I don't ever wanna settle for the second best
CH) I don't need no one to tell me east from west

But I could never give what I never got
Because the fullest fields can feed a lot
'cause in the end nobody came worth living for
So I decided to live for myself,
disapproving frown inside the door
V2) 'Cause every time I turned around there was someone's

I don't ever wanna settle for the second best
CH) I don't need no one to tell me east from west

I've got to find myself a way to get myself free
And in this one act tragic comedy
made of earth and clay yet like the angels, nothing less
I'm am someone's daughter,
you don't have to be perfect just be your best
V1) Blood is thicker than tears but hey,

Relevant Tags:
EEast FFrom WWest ast rom est aEst rFom eWst sast crom aest sEast cFrom aWest Esast Fcrom Waest 3ast rrom 3est 3East rFrom 3West
E3ast Frrom W3est fast grom dest fEast gFrom dWest Efast Fgrom Wdest rast trom eest rEast tFrom eWest Erast Ftrom Weest 4ast vrom sest
4East vFrom sWest E4ast Fvrom Wsest dast drom 2est dEast dFrom 2West Edast Fdrom W2est wast qest wEast Fom qWest Ewast Form Wqest
Eaast Fdom Est Wst Esat Frdom Wset Ezst F4om Wsst Ezast F4rom Eazst Fr4om Wesst Eqst Fgom W3st Eqast
Eaqst Frgom We3st Esst Ftom Wfst Wfest Easst Frtom Wefst Ewst F5om Wrst F5rom Wrest Eawst Fr5om Werst Exst Ffom W4st
Exast Ffrom W4est Eaxst Frfom We4st Feom Wdst

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