The New World

"honest to goodness the bars werent open this
morning they must have been voting for a new president
of something do you have a quarter?
" i said yes because i did honest to goodness
the tears have been falling all over the countrys face
it was better before before they voted for whats his
name this is suppose to be the new world flint ford
auto mobil alabama windshield wiper buffalo new york
gary indiana don't forget the motor city baltimore
and d.c. now all we need is don't forget the motor
city this was suppose to be the new world all we need
is money just give us what you can spare twenty or
thirty pounds of potatoes or twenty of thirty beers
a turkey on thanks giving like alms for the poor all
we need are the necessities and more it was better
before they voted for what his name this is suppose
to be the new world don't forget the motor city this
was suppose to be the new world

Mirror lyrics:

was suppose to be the new world
to be the new world don't forget the motor city this
before they voted for what his name this is suppose
we need are the necessities and more it was better
a turkey on thanks giving like alms for the poor all
thirty pounds of potatoes or twenty of thirty beers
is money just give us what you can spare twenty or
city this was suppose to be the new world all we need
and d.c. now all we need is don't forget the motor
gary indiana don't forget the motor city baltimore
auto mobil alabama windshield wiper buffalo new york
name this is suppose to be the new world flint ford
it was better before before they voted for whats his
the tears have been falling all over the countrys face
" i said yes because i did honest to goodness
of something do you have a quarter?
morning they must have been voting for a new president
"honest to goodness the bars werent open this

Relevant Tags:
TThe NNew WWorld he ew orld hTe eNw oWrld fhe mew aorld fThe mNew aWorld Tfhe Nmew Waorld 5he hew 3orld 5The hNew 3World T5he Nhew W3orld
hhe jew dorld hThe jNew dWorld Thhe Njew Wdorld yhe bew eorld yThe bNew eWorld Tyhe Nbew Weorld 6he Neew sorld 6The Nw sWorld T6he Nwe Wsorld
ghe Nsw 2orld gThe Nsew 2World Tghe Nesw W2orld rhe N3w qorld rThe N3ew qWorld Trhe Ne3w Wqorld Nfw Woorld Te Nfew Wrld Teh Nefw Wrold
Tje Nrw Wkrld Tjhe Nrew Wkorld Thje Nerw Wokrld Tue N4w W9rld Tuhe N4ew W9orld Thue Ne4w Wo9rld Tne Ndw W0rld Tnhe Ndew W0orld Thne Nedw Wo0rld
Tbe Nww Wlrld Tbhe Nwew Wlorld Thbe Neww Wolrld Tge Wirld Ne Wiorld Thge New Woirld Tye Nea Worrld Neaw Wold Thye Newa Wolrd
Thee Ne3 Wodld Th Wodrld The New3 Wordld Ths Ned Wo4ld Thse Wo4rld

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