Burning House Of Love

Drive by my house late at night
You can see from the freeway above
No silhouette, but a light left on
Burning there for love

Smoke is rising from the fire
Coming out my back door
I'm inside, sound asleep
Cigarette on the floor
Burning there for love

Well i can still remember
A couple of years ago
When the smoke and flame called my name
It was a burning house of love

That rusty nail over our front door
Is where i hung our tears in the rain
I threw that horseshoe into the weeds
To see what luck can bring

Cause you're in your bed, i'm in mine
On either side of town
I think i might take a ride
And burn your love house down
Like a burning house of love

Mirror lyrics:

Like a burning house of love
And burn your love house down
I think i might take a ride
On either side of town
Cause you're in your bed, i'm in mine

To see what luck can bring
I threw that horseshoe into the weeds
Is where i hung our tears in the rain
That rusty nail over our front door

It was a burning house of love
When the smoke and flame called my name
A couple of years ago
Well i can still remember

Burning there for love
Cigarette on the floor
I'm inside, sound asleep
Coming out my back door
Smoke is rising from the fire

Burning there for love
No silhouette, but a light left on
You can see from the freeway above
Drive by my house late at night

Relevant Tags:
BBurning HHouse OOf LLove urning ouse f ove uBrning oHuse fO oLve vurning jouse kf kove vBurning jHouse kOf kLove Bvurning Hjouse Okf Lkove
gurning uouse 9f oove gBurning uHouse 9Of oLove Bgurning Huouse O9f Loove nurning nouse 0f pove nBurning nHouse 0Of pLove Bnurning Hnouse O0f Lpove
hurning bouse lf hBurning bHouse lOf Lve Bhurning Hbouse Olf Lvoe Buurning gouse if Lkve Brning gHouse iOf Bruning Hgouse Oif Lokve
Bhrning youse Off L9ve yHouse O L9ove Buhrning Hyouse Of Lo9ve B7rning Hoouse Oc L0ve B7urning Huse Ocf L0ove Bu7rning Huose Ofc Lo0ve
Bkrning Hkuse Or Llve Bkurning Hkouse Orf Llove Bukrning Hokuse Ofr Lolve Birning H9use Og Live Biurning H9ouse Ogf Liove Buirning Ho9use Ofg Loive
B8rning H0use Ot Lovve B8urning H0ouse Otf Loe Bu8rning Ho0use Oft Loev Bjrning Hluse Ov Lobe Bjurning Hlouse Ovf Lobve Bujrning Holuse Ofv Lovbe
Byrning Hiuse Od Loce Byurning Hiouse Odf Locve Buyrning Hoiuse Ofd Lovce Burrning Houuse Loge Buning Hose Logve Bunring Hosue Lovge
Budning Hohse Lofe Budrning Hohuse Lofve Burdning Houhse Lovfe Bu4ning Ho7se Lovee Bu4rning Ho7use Lov Bur4ning Hou7se Love
Bugning Hokse Lovs Bugrning Lovse Burgning Houkse Loves Butning Hoise Lov3 Butrning Lov3e Burtning Houise Love3
Bu5ning Ho8se Lovf Bu5rning Ho8use Bur5ning Hou8se Lovef Bufning Hojse Lovr Bufrning Hojuse Lovre Burfning Houjse Lover
Buening Hoyse Lov4 Buerning Hoyuse Lov4e Burening Houyse Love4 Burnning Housse Lovd Buring Houe Lovde Burinng Houes Loved
Burming Houze Lovw

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