No More Time

============Look around this place and see just what
is happeningTomorrow we will suffer for the way that
we have beenIts our own lives we're shorteningWhile
everyone pretends that there is nothing to explainPoisons
& neglected relics out live us & always will beJustified
by what we gainNo more timeMans greed corrupt & unconcernedNo
more time look around you will we ever learnAs bought
time ticks away we must think carefully and chooseForget
about our future or learn to live with limitationsKnowing
what we've got to loseSo many things to work for many
more to work againstEverything disposable resources
unreplacableAll profits at our world expenseNo more
timeMans greed corrupt & unconcernedNo more time look
around you will we ever learnMass produced solutions
idealistic luxuryFacts & figures always quited calculated
to mislead usAlways taken literallyPeople making so
much money wanting only moreCausing so much misery
taking from a placeThat no one bothers to restoreNo
more timeMans greed corrupt & unconcernedNo more time will we ever learn

Mirror lyrics:

more timeMans greed corrupt & unconcernedNo more time will we ever learn
taking from a placeThat no one bothers to restoreNo
much money wanting only moreCausing so much misery
to mislead usAlways taken literallyPeople making so
idealistic luxuryFacts & figures always quited calculated
around you will we ever learnMass produced solutions
timeMans greed corrupt & unconcernedNo more time look
unreplacableAll profits at our world expenseNo more
more to work againstEverything disposable resources
what we've got to loseSo many things to work for many
about our future or learn to live with limitationsKnowing
time ticks away we must think carefully and chooseForget
more time look around you will we ever learnAs bought
by what we gainNo more timeMans greed corrupt & unconcernedNo
& neglected relics out live us & always will beJustified
everyone pretends that there is nothing to explainPoisons
we have beenIts our own lives we're shorteningWhile
is happeningTomorrow we will suffer for the way that
============Look around this place and see just what

Relevant Tags:
NNo MMore TTime o ore ime oN oMre iTme mo jore fime mNo jMore fTime Nmo Mjore Tfime ho kore 5ime hNo kMore 5Time Nho Mkore T5ime
jo nore hime jNo nMore hTime Njo Mnore Thime bo Moore yime bNo Mre yTime Nbo Mroe Tyime Noo Mkre 6ime N 6Time No Mokre T6ime
Nk M9re gime Nko M9ore gTime Nok Mo9re Tgime N9 M0re rime N9o M0ore rTime No9 Mo0re Trime N0 Mlre Tiime N0o Mlore Tme No0 Molre Tmie
Nl Mire Tjme Nlo Miore Tjime Nol Moire Tijme Ni Morre T9me Nio Moe T9ime Noi Moer Ti9me Mode Tlme Modre Tlime Morde Tilme
Mo4e Tome Mo4re Toime Mor4e Tiome Moge Tkme Mogre Tkime

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