At Least That's What You Said

When I sat down on the bed next to you
You started to cry
I said, maybe if I leave, you'll want me
To come back home
Or maybe all you mean, is leave me alone
At least that's what you said

You're irresistible when you get mad
Isn't it sad, I'm immune
I thought it was cute
For you to kiss
My purple black eye
Even though I caught it from you
I still think we're serious
At least that's what you said

Mirror lyrics:

At least that's what you said
I still think we're serious
Even though I caught it from you
My purple black eye
For you to kiss
I thought it was cute
Isn't it sad, I'm immune
You're irresistible when you get mad

At least that's what you said
Or maybe all you mean, is leave me alone
To come back home
I said, maybe if I leave, you'll want me
You started to cry
When I sat down on the bed next to you

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AAt LLeast TThat's WWhat YYou SSaid t east hat's hat ou aid tA eLast hTat's hWat oYu aSid zt keast fhat's ahat gou zaid zAt kLeast fThat's aWhat gYou zSaid
Azt Lkeast Tfhat's Wahat Ygou Szaid qt oeast 5hat's 3hat hou waid qAt oLeast 5That's 3What hYou wSaid Aqt Loeast T5hat's W3hat Yhou Swaid st peast hhat's dhat 6ou daid
sAt pLeast hThat's dWhat 6You dSaid Ast Lpeast Thhat's Wdhat Y6ou Sdaid wt Leeast yhat's ehat uou eaid wAt Last yThat's eWhat uYou eSaid Awt Laest Tyhat's Wehat Yuou Seaid
xt Lsast 6hat's shat 7ou xaid xAt Lseast 6That's sWhat 7You xSaid Axt Lesast T6hat's Wshat Y7ou Sxaid Att L3ast ghat's 2hat jou aaid A L3east gThat's 2What jYou aSaid
At Le3ast Tghat's W2hat Yjou Saaid Af Lfast rhat's qhat tou Aft Lfeast rThat's qWhat tYou Sid Atf Lefast Trhat's Wqhat Ytou Siad A5 Lrast Whhat Yoou Szid
A5t Lreast Tat's Wat Yu At5 Lerast Taht's Waht Yuo Sazid Ah L4ast Tjat's Wjat Yku Sqid Aht L4east Tjhat's Wjhat Ykou Sqaid Ath Le4ast Thjat's Whjat Yoku Saqid
Ay Ldast Tuat's Wuat Y9u Ssid Ayt Ldeast Tuhat's Wuhat Y9ou Ssaid Aty Ledast Thuat's Whuat Yo9u Sasid A6 Lwast Tnat's Wnat Y0u Swid A6t Lweast Tnhat's Wnhat Y0ou
At6 Lewast Thnat's Whnat Yo0u Sawid Ag Leaast Tbat's Wbat Ylu Sxid Agt Lest Tbhat's Wbhat Ylou Atg Lesat Thbat's Whbat Yolu Saxid Ar Lezst Tgat's Wgat Yiu Saiid
Art Lezast Wghat Yiou Sad Atr Leazst Thgat's Whgat Yoiu Sadi Leqst Tyat's Wyat Youu Sajd Leqast Wyhat Yo Sajid Leaqst Thyat's Whyat You Saijd
Lesst Thaat's Whaat Yoh Sa9d Tht's Wht Yohu Sa9id Leasst Thta's Whta Youh Sai9d Lewst Thzt's Whzt Yo7 Sald Thzat's Whzat Yo7u Salid
Leawst Thazt's Whazt You7 Saild Lexst Thqt's Whqt Yok Saod Lexast Thqat's Whqat Saoid Leaxst Thaqt's Whaqt Youk Saiod

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