As Long As You're Mine (duet With Idina Menzel And...

Kiss me too fiercely,
Hold me too tight,
I need help believing
You're with me tonight.
My wildest dreamings
Could not foresee
Lying beside you
With you wanting me!

Just for this moment,
As long as you're mine,
I've lost all resistance,
And crossed some borderline,
And if it turns out
It's over too fast,
I'll make every last moment last--
As long as you're mine.

Maybe I'm brainless,
Maybe I'm wise,
But you've got me seeing
Through different eyes.
Somehow I've fallen
Under your spell,
And somehow I'm feeling
It's up that I fell.

Every moment,
As long as you're mine,
I'll wake up my body,
And make up for lost time.

Say theres no future
For us as a pair.

And though I may know,
I don't care!

Just for this moment,
As long as you're mine,
Come be how you want to,
And see how bright we shine!
Borrow the moonlight
Until it is through,
And know I'll be here
Holding you--
As long as you're mine!

Fiyero: [Spoken]
What is it?

Elphaba: [Spoken]
It's just
For the first time
I feel

Mirror lyrics:

I feel
For the first time
It's just
Elphaba: [Spoken]

What is it?
Fiyero: [Spoken]

As long as you're mine!
Holding you--
And know I'll be here
Until it is through,
Borrow the moonlight
And see how bright we shine!
Come be how you want to,
As long as you're mine,
Just for this moment,

I don't care!
And though I may know,

For us as a pair.
Say theres no future

And make up for lost time.
I'll wake up my body,
As long as you're mine,
Every moment,

It's up that I fell.
And somehow I'm feeling
Under your spell,
Somehow I've fallen
Through different eyes.
But you've got me seeing
Maybe I'm wise,
Maybe I'm brainless,

As long as you're mine.
I'll make every last moment last--
It's over too fast,
And if it turns out
And crossed some borderline,
I've lost all resistance,
As long as you're mine,
Just for this moment,

With you wanting me!
Lying beside you
Could not foresee
My wildest dreamings
You're with me tonight.
I need help believing
Hold me too tight,
Kiss me too fiercely,

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