Willie Nelson
Blame It On The Times

As you sit there in your loneliness,
Confused as you must be.
I'm sure a dozen questions come to mind.
And if you're wondering why I left you,
After all you've done for me,
I guess you'll have to blame it on the times.

The many times you had your way,
No matter what the cost.
And the many times you took for granted,
Love you now have lost.
And if I've hurt you, darlin',
I don't mean to be unkind.
I guess you'll have to blame it on the times.

Instrumental bridge.

That small conceited world of yours,
Could never understand,
That to want to stand alone is not a crime.
And, if for one time in my life,
I'm acting like a man,
I guess you'll have to blame it on the times.

Blame it on the many times,
A hiding place I'd seek.
Afraid to say what's on my mind,
An' ashamed for being weak.
So if at last I'm seeing,
After so long being blind,
I suppose you'll have to blame it on the times.

Mirror lyrics:

I suppose you'll have to blame it on the times.
After so long being blind,
So if at last I'm seeing,
An' ashamed for being weak.
Afraid to say what's on my mind,
A hiding place I'd seek.
Blame it on the many times,

I guess you'll have to blame it on the times.
I'm acting like a man,
And, if for one time in my life,
That to want to stand alone is not a crime.
Could never understand,
That small conceited world of yours,

Instrumental bridge.

I guess you'll have to blame it on the times.
I don't mean to be unkind.
And if I've hurt you, darlin',
Love you now have lost.
And the many times you took for granted,
No matter what the cost.
The many times you had your way,

I guess you'll have to blame it on the times.
After all you've done for me,
And if you're wondering why I left you,
I'm sure a dozen questions come to mind.
Confused as you must be.
As you sit there in your loneliness,

Relevant Tags:
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Bkame 8t Onn ghe gimes Bklame 8It O gThe gTimes Blkame I8t On Tghe Tgimes Boame ut Om rhe rimes Bolame uIt Omn rThe rTimes Bloame Iut Onm Trhe Trimes
Bpame Itt Oh Tiimes Bplame I Ohn Te Tmes Blpame It Onh Teh Tmies Blaame If Oj Tje Tjmes Blme Ift Ojn Tjhe Tjimes Blmae Itf Onj Thje Tijmes
Blzme I5 Ob Tue T9mes Blzame I5t Obn Tuhe T9imes Blazme It5 Onb Thue Ti9mes Blqme Ih Tne Tlmes Blqame Iht Tnhe Tlimes Blaqme Ith Thne Tilmes
Blsme Iy Tbe Tomes Blsame Iyt Tbhe Toimes Blasme Ity Thbe Tiomes Blwme I6 Tge Tkmes Blwame I6t Tkimes Blawme It6 Thge Tikmes
Blxme Ig Tye T8mes Blxame Igt T8imes Blaxme Itg Thye Ti8mes Blamme Ir Thee Tumes Blae Irt Th Tuimes Blaem Itr The Tiumes
Blaje Ths Timmes Blajme Thse Ties

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