Willie Nelson
Black Rose

Way down in Louisiana amongst the tall grown sugar canes
Lived a simple man and a domineerin' hen and a rose of a different name
The first time I fell lightly I was standing in the drizzlin' rain
With a trembling hand and a bottle of gin and a rose of a different name
The devil made me do it the first time the second time I done it on my own
Lord put a handle on a simple handed man and help me leave that black rose alone
[ harmonica ]
When the devil made that woman Lord she threw the pattern away
She was built for speed with the tools you need to make a new fool every day
Way down deep and dirty on the darker side of shame
You caught a cane cuttin' man with a bottle of gin with a rose of a different name
The devil made me do it the first time...
The devil made me do it the first time...
[ guitar - harmonica ]

Mirror lyrics:

[ guitar - harmonica ]
The devil made me do it the first time...
The devil made me do it the first time...
You caught a cane cuttin' man with a bottle of gin with a rose of a different name
Way down deep and dirty on the darker side of shame
She was built for speed with the tools you need to make a new fool every day
When the devil made that woman Lord she threw the pattern away
[ harmonica ]
Lord put a handle on a simple handed man and help me leave that black rose alone
The devil made me do it the first time the second time I done it on my own
With a trembling hand and a bottle of gin and a rose of a different name
The first time I fell lightly I was standing in the drizzlin' rain
Lived a simple man and a domineerin' hen and a rose of a different name
Way down in Louisiana amongst the tall grown sugar canes

Relevant Tags:
BBlack RRose lack ose lBack oRse vlack dose vBlack dRose Bvlack Rdose glack 4ose gBlack 4Rose Bglack R4ose nlack gose nBlack gRose
Bnlack Rgose hlack tose hBlack tRose Bhlack Rtose Bllack 5ose Back 5Rose Balck R5ose Bkack fose Bklack fRose Blkack Rfose Boack eose
Bolack eRose Bloack Reose Bpack Roose Bplack Rse Blpack Rsoe Blaack Rkse Blck Rkose Blcak Rokse Blzck R9se Blzack R9ose Blazck Ro9se
Blqck R0se Blqack R0ose Blaqck Ro0se Blsck Rlse Blsack Rlose Blasck Rolse Blwck Rise Blwack Riose Blawck Roise

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