Willie Nelson
A Little Unfair

You want me to love just you
While you love your share
Don't you think that's a little unfair
It's me that stays home
While you stay gone
Till you decide to care
Don't you think that's a little unfair
I can't see how it can be anything for me
What's mine is yours
What's yours is yours
That's how you wanted to be
And you want me to wait for you
Till you decide to care
Don't you think that's a little unfair

[ guitar ]

I can't see how it can be anything for me
What's mine is yours
What's yours is yours
That's how you wanted to be
And you want me to wait for you
Till you decide to care
Don't you think that's a little unfair

Mirror lyrics:

Don't you think that's a little unfair
Till you decide to care
And you want me to wait for you
That's how you wanted to be
What's yours is yours
What's mine is yours
I can't see how it can be anything for me

[ guitar ]

Don't you think that's a little unfair
Till you decide to care
And you want me to wait for you
That's how you wanted to be
What's yours is yours
What's mine is yours
I can't see how it can be anything for me
Don't you think that's a little unfair
Till you decide to care
While you stay gone
It's me that stays home
Don't you think that's a little unfair
While you love your share
You want me to love just you

Relevant Tags:
AA LLittle UUnfair ittle nfair A iLttle nUfair z kittle hnfair zA kLittle hUnfair Az Lkittle Uhnfair q oittle 7nfair
qA oLittle 7Unfair Aq Loittle U7nfair s pittle knfair sA pLittle kUnfair As Lpittle Uknfair w Liittle infair wA Lttle iUnfair
Aw Ltitle Uinfair x Ljttle 8nfair xA Ljittle 8Unfair Ax Lijttle U8nfair L9ttle jnfair L9ittle jUnfair Li9ttle Ujnfair
Llttle ynfair Llittle yUnfair Lilttle Uynfair Lottle Unnfair Ufair Liottle Ufnair Lkttle Umfair
Umnfair Likttle Unmfair L8ttle Uhfair L8ittle Li8ttle Unhfair Luttle Ujfair Luittle
Liuttle Unjfair Litttle Ubfair Litle Ubnfair Little Unbfair Liftle Unffair Lifttle Unair Litftle Unafir
Li5tle Uncair Li5ttle Uncfair Lit5tle Unfcair Lihtle Unrair Lihttle Unrfair Lithtle Unfrair Liytle Ungair
Liyttle Ungfair Litytle Unfgair Li6tle Untair Li6ttle Untfair Lit6tle Unftair Ligtle Unvair Ligttle Unvfair
Litgtle Unfvair Lirtle Undair Lirttle Undfair Litrtle Unfdair Unfaair Unfir

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