Wanda Jackson
Night Life

When the evening sun goes down
You will find me hanging 'round
Oh, the night life ain't no good life
But it's my life

Many people just like me
Dreaming of old used-to-be
Yeah, the night life it ain't no good life
But it's my life

Yeah, listen to the blues they're playin'
Yeah, listen to what those blues are sayin'

Mine is just another scene
From the world of broken dreams
Yeah the night life it ain't no good life
But it's my life

Mirror lyrics:

But it's my life
Yeah the night life it ain't no good life
From the world of broken dreams
Mine is just another scene

Yeah, listen to what those blues are sayin'
Yeah, listen to the blues they're playin'

But it's my life
Yeah, the night life it ain't no good life
Dreaming of old used-to-be
Many people just like me

But it's my life
Oh, the night life ain't no good life
You will find me hanging 'round
When the evening sun goes down

Relevant Tags:
NNight LLife ight ife iNght iLfe might kife mNight kLife Nmight Lkife hight oife hNight oLife Nhight Loife jight pife jNight pLife
Njight Lpife bight Liife bNight Lfe Nbight Lfie Niight Ljfe Nght Ljife Ngiht Lijfe Njght L9fe L9ife Nijght Li9fe N9ght Llfe
N9ight Llife Ni9ght Lilfe Nlght Lofe Nlight Nilght Liofe Noght Lkfe Noight Nioght Likfe Nkght L8fe Nkight L8ife Nikght Li8fe
N8ght Lufe N8ight Luife Ni8ght Liufe Nught Liffe Nuight Lie Niught Lief Nigght Lice Niht Licfe Nihgt Lifce Nihht Lire Nihght Lirfe
Nighht Lifre Niyht Lige Niyght Ligfe Nigyht Lifge Nibht Lite

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