Wanda Jackson
May You Never Be Alone

(May you never be alone like me)
Like a bird that's lost its mate in flight
I'm alone and oh, so blue tonight
Like a piece of driftwood on the sea
May you never be alone like me

I believed the lies you told to me
When you whispered dear I worship Thee
Now here am I alone and blue
All because I loved no one but you

In the Bible, God's own words to say
For every wrong someday you'll pay
Now I pray the Lord to set me free
May you never be alone like me
May you never be alone like me

Mirror lyrics:

May you never be alone like me
May you never be alone like me
Now I pray the Lord to set me free
For every wrong someday you'll pay
In the Bible, God's own words to say

All because I loved no one but you
Now here am I alone and blue
When you whispered dear I worship Thee
I believed the lies you told to me

May you never be alone like me
Like a piece of driftwood on the sea
I'm alone and oh, so blue tonight
Like a bird that's lost its mate in flight
(May you never be alone like me)

Relevant Tags:
MMay YYou NNever BBe AAlone ay ou ever e lone aMy oYu eNver eB lAone jay gou mever ve zlone jMay gYou mNever vBe zAlone Mjay Ygou Nmever Bve Azlone
kay hou hever ge qlone kMay hYou hNever gBe qAlone Mkay Yhou Nhever Bge Aqlone nay 6ou jever ne slone nMay 6You jNever nBe sAlone Mnay Y6ou Njever Bne Aslone
Maay uou bever he wlone My uYou bNever hBe wAlone Mya Yuou Nbever Bhe Awlone Mzy 7ou Neever Bee xlone Mzay 7You Nver B xAlone Mazy Y7ou Nveer Be Axlone
Mqy jou Nsver Bs Allone Mqay jYou Nsever Bse Aone Maqy Yjou Nesver Bes Aolne Msy tou N3ver B3 Akone Msay tYou N3ever B3e Aklone Masy Ytou Ne3ver Be3 Alkone
Mwy Yoou Nfver Bf Aoone Mway Yu Nfever Bfe Aolone Mawy Yuo Nefver Bef Aloone Mxy Yku Nrver Br Apone Mxay Ykou Nrever Bre Aplone Maxy Yoku Nerver Ber Alpone
Mayy Y9u N4ver B4 Ma Y9ou N4ever B4e Alne May Yo9u Ne4ver Be4 Alnoe Mag Y0u Ndver Bd Alkne Magy Y0ou Ndever Bde Mayg Yo0u Nedver Bed Alokne
Mah Ylu Nwver Bw Al9ne Mahy Ylou Nwever Bwe Al9one Mayh Yolu Newver Bew Alo9ne Ma6 Yiu Nevver Al0ne Ma6y Yiou Neer Al0one May6 Yoiu Neevr Alo0ne
Mau Youu Neber Allne Mauy Yo Nebver Mayu You Nevber Alolne Ma7 Yoh Necer Aline Ma7y Yohu Necver Alione May7 Youh Nevcer Aloine

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