Wanda Jackson
I Talk A Pretty Story

(Yvonne Devaney)

I'll forget my troubles, start my life anew
Make a new beginning, forget the past and you
I'll burn all my bridges, a- leaving you behind
Find myself a new love, free you from my mind.

I talk a pretty story, I tell myself it's true
That any man could always take the place of you
I talk a pretty story, but I'm not really me
'Cause my pretty, pretty story can never be.

--- Instrumental ---

I'll tell him it's over, over with and done
Tell him I'm happy and I'm the lucky one
A fun while it lasted, that's the way I play
Love 'em and leave 'em, can't get hurt that way.

I talk a pretty story, I tell myself it's true
That any man could always take the place of you
I talk a pretty story, but I'm not really me
'Cause my pretty, pretty story can never be...

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause my pretty, pretty story can never be...
I talk a pretty story, but I'm not really me
That any man could always take the place of you
I talk a pretty story, I tell myself it's true

Love 'em and leave 'em, can't get hurt that way.
A fun while it lasted, that's the way I play
Tell him I'm happy and I'm the lucky one
I'll tell him it's over, over with and done

--- Instrumental ---

'Cause my pretty, pretty story can never be.
I talk a pretty story, but I'm not really me
That any man could always take the place of you
I talk a pretty story, I tell myself it's true

Find myself a new love, free you from my mind.
I'll burn all my bridges, a- leaving you behind
Make a new beginning, forget the past and you
I'll forget my troubles, start my life anew

(Yvonne Devaney)

Relevant Tags:
II TTalk AA PPretty SStory alk retty tory I aTlk A rPetty tSory j falk z 0retty ztory jI fTalk zA 0Pretty zStory Ij Tfalk Az P0retty Sztory
9 5alk q lretty wtory 9I 5Talk qA lPretty wStory I9 T5alk Aq Plretty Swtory l halk s oretty dtory lI hTalk sA oPretty dStory Il Thalk As Poretty Sdtory
o yalk w Prretty etory oI yTalk wA Petty eStory Io Tyalk Aw Pertty Setory k 6alk x Pdetty xtory kI 6Talk xA Pdretty xStory Ik T6alk Ax Prdetty Sxtory
8 galk P4etty atory 8I gTalk P4retty aStory I8 Tgalk Pr4etty Satory u ralk Pgetty Sttory uI rTalk Pgretty Sory Iu Tralk Prgetty Sotry
Taalk Ptetty Sfory Tlk Ptretty Sftory Tlak Prtetty Stfory Tzlk P5etty S5ory Tzalk P5retty S5tory Tazlk Pr5etty St5ory
Tqlk Pfetty Shory Tqalk Pfretty Shtory Taqlk Prfetty Sthory Tslk Peetty Syory Tsalk Peretty Sytory Taslk Preetty Styory
Twlk S6ory Twalk Prtty S6tory Tawlk Prtety St6ory Txlk Prstty Sgory Txalk Prsetty Sgtory Taxlk Prestty Stgory
Tallk Pr3tty Srory Tak Pr3etty Srtory Takl Pre3tty Strory Takk Prftty Stoory Taklk Stry Talkk Preftty Stroy
Taok Prrtty Stkry Taolk Stkory Talok Prertty Stokry Tapk Pr4tty St9ry Taplk St9ory Talpk Pre4tty Sto9ry
Prdtty St0ry

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