Willie Nelson
Undo The Right

If you can't say you love me say you hate me
And that you regret each time you held me tight
If you can't be mine forever then forsake me
If you can't undo the wrong undo the right
It was right when you loved me only
But wrong when you held another tight
So before you go away and leave me lonely
If you can't undo the wrong undo the right
It's too late to say your heart is filled with sorrow
You can't undo what's done why do you try
So please help me to face the new tomorrows
If you can't undo the wrong undo the right

[ guitar ]

It's too late to say your heart...

Mirror lyrics:

It's too late to say your heart...

[ guitar ]

If you can't undo the wrong undo the right
So please help me to face the new tomorrows
You can't undo what's done why do you try
It's too late to say your heart is filled with sorrow
If you can't undo the wrong undo the right
So before you go away and leave me lonely
But wrong when you held another tight
It was right when you loved me only
If you can't undo the wrong undo the right
If you can't be mine forever then forsake me
And that you regret each time you held me tight
If you can't say you love me say you hate me

Relevant Tags:
UUndo TThe RRight ndo he ight nUdo hTe iRght hndo fhe dight hUndo fThe dRight Uhndo Tfhe Rdight 7ndo 5he 4ight 7Undo 5The 4Right
U7ndo T5he R4ight kndo hhe gight kUndo hThe gRight Ukndo Thhe Rgight indo yhe tight iUndo yThe tRight Uindo Tyhe Rtight 8ndo 6he 5ight
8Undo 6The 5Right U8ndo T6he R5ight jndo ghe fight jUndo gThe fRight Ujndo Tghe Rfight yndo rhe eight yUndo rThe eRight Uyndo Trhe Reight
Unndo Riight Udo Te Rght Udno Teh Rgiht Umdo Tje Rjght Umndo Tjhe Rjight Unmdo Thje Rijght Uhdo Tue R9ght Tuhe R9ight
Unhdo Thue Ri9ght Ujdo Tne Rlght Tnhe Rlight Unjdo Thne Rilght Ubdo Tbe Roght Ubndo Tbhe Roight Unbdo Thbe Rioght Unddo Tge Rkght
Uno Rkight Unod Thge Rikght Unxo Tye R8ght Unxdo R8ight Undxo Thye Ri8ght Uneo Thee Rught Unedo Th Ruight Undeo The Riught
Unfo Ths Rigght Unfdo Thse Riht Undfo Thes Rihgt Unro Th3 Rihht Unrdo Th3e Rihght Undro The3 Righht

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