Willie Nelson
The Ghost

The silence is unusually loud tonight,
The strange sound of nothing fills my ears.
Then night rushes in like a crowd of nights,
And the ghost of our old love appears.

This strange world of darkness,
That comes with the night,
Grows darker when it walks my way.
Then it laughs while I listen for the breakin' of day,
An' the ghost of our old love goes away.

Mirror lyrics:

An' the ghost of our old love goes away.
Then it laughs while I listen for the breakin' of day,
Grows darker when it walks my way.
That comes with the night,
This strange world of darkness,

And the ghost of our old love appears.
Then night rushes in like a crowd of nights,
The strange sound of nothing fills my ears.
The silence is unusually loud tonight,

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGhost he host hTe hGost fhe hhost fThe hGhost Tfhe Ghhost 5he yhost 5The yGhost T5he Gyhost hhe bhost hThe bGhost
Thhe Gbhost yhe vhost yThe vGhost Tyhe Gvhost 6he fhost 6The fGhost T6he Gfhost ghe thost gThe tGhost Tghe Gthost rhe
rThe Gost Trhe Gohst Gjost Te Gjhost Teh Ghjost Tje Guost Tjhe Guhost Thje Ghuost Tue Gnost Tuhe Gnhost Thue Ghnost
Tne Gbost Tnhe Thne Ghbost Tbe Ggost Tbhe Gghost Thbe Ghgost Tge Gyost Thge Ghyost Tye Ghoost Ghst Thye Ghsot
Thee Ghkst Th Ghkost The Ghokst Ths Gh9st Thse Gh9ost Thes Gho9st

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