Willie Nelson
There Goes A Man

There goes a man
Who gave his heart to someone
And I feel sorry for him
For that someone
Just gave her heart to me
Now he's the loser
And it hurts so much to lose
And I feel sorry for him
Cause the loser I know
Could have been me
Oh how he loved her
I'm sure he must have loved her
Almost as much as me
But fate has frowned on him
Then turned around and smiled on me
There goes a man
Who gave his heart to someone
And I feel sorry for him
For that someone
Just gave her heart to me
If things were different
And if he had won
Her love instead of me
I wonder if he'd find the time
To offer sympathy
There goes a man
Who gave his heart to someone
And I feel sorry for him
Cause that someone
Just gave her heart to me

Mirror lyrics:

Just gave her heart to me
Cause that someone
And I feel sorry for him
Who gave his heart to someone
There goes a man
To offer sympathy
I wonder if he'd find the time
Her love instead of me
And if he had won
If things were different
Just gave her heart to me
For that someone
And I feel sorry for him
Who gave his heart to someone
There goes a man
Then turned around and smiled on me
But fate has frowned on him
Almost as much as me
I'm sure he must have loved her
Oh how he loved her
Could have been me
Cause the loser I know
And I feel sorry for him
And it hurts so much to lose
Now he's the loser
Just gave her heart to me
For that someone
And I feel sorry for him
Who gave his heart to someone
There goes a man

Relevant Tags:
TThere GGoes AA MMan here oes an hTere oGes A aMn fhere hoes z jan fThere hGoes zA jMan Tfhere Ghoes Az Mjan 5here yoes q kan
5There yGoes qA kMan T5here Gyoes Aq Mkan hhere boes s nan hThere bGoes sA nMan Thhere Gboes As Mnan yhere voes w Maan yThere vGoes wA Mn
Tyhere Gvoes Aw Mna 6here foes x Mzn 6There fGoes xA Mzan T6here Gfoes Ax Mazn ghere toes Mqn gThere tGoes Mqan Tghere Gtoes Maqn
rhere Gooes Msn rThere Ges Msan Trhere Geos Masn Gkes Mwn Tere Gkoes Mwan Tehre Gokes Mawn Tjere G9es Mxn
Tjhere G9oes Mxan Thjere Go9es Maxn Tuere G0es Mann Tuhere G0oes Ma Thuere Go0es Man Tnere Gles Mam Tnhere Gloes Mamn
Thnere Goles Manm Tbere Gies Mah Tbhere Gioes Mahn Thbere Goies Manh Tgere Goees Maj Gos Majn Thgere Gose Manj
Tyere Goss Mab Goses Mabn Thyere Goess Manb Theere Go3s Thre Go3es Three Goe3s Thsre Gofs
Thsere Gofes Thesre Goefs Th3re Gors

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