Willie Nelson
Right From Wrong

Right or wrong
I'll always love you
Though you're gone
I can't forget
Right or wrong
I'll keep on dreaming
Though I wake with
That same old regret
All along I knew I'd lose you
Still I prayed that you'd be true
In your heart you love another
But right or wrong
I'm still in love with you

[ fiddle - piano - guitar - steel ]

Right or wrong I'll always love you...

Mirror lyrics:

Right or wrong I'll always love you...

[ fiddle - piano - guitar - steel ]

I'm still in love with you
But right or wrong
In your heart you love another
Still I prayed that you'd be true
All along I knew I'd lose you
That same old regret
Though I wake with
I'll keep on dreaming
Right or wrong
I can't forget
Though you're gone
I'll always love you
Right or wrong

Relevant Tags:
RRight FFrom WWrong ight rom rong iRght rFom rWong dight crom arong dRight cFrom aWrong Rdight Fcrom Warong 4ight rrom 3rong
4Right rFrom 3Wrong R4ight Frrom W3rong gight grom drong gRight gFrom dWrong Rgight Fgrom Wdrong tight trom erong tRight tFrom eWrong
Rtight Ftrom Werong 5ight vrom srong 5Right vFrom sWrong R5ight Fvrom Wsrong fight drom 2rong fRight dFrom 2Wrong Rfight Fdrom W2rong
eight qrong eRight Fom qWrong Reight Form Wqrong Riight Fdom Wrrong Rght Wong Rgiht Frdom Worng Rjght F4om Wdong
Rjight F4rom Rijght Fr4om Wrdong R9ght Fgom W4ong R9ight W4rong Ri9ght Frgom Wr4ong Rlght Ftom Wgong Rlight Wgrong
Rilght Frtom Wrgong Roght F5om Wtong Roight F5rom Wtrong Rioght Fr5om Wrtong Rkght Ffom W5ong Rkight Ffrom W5rong Rikght Frfom Wr5ong
R8ght Feom Wfong R8ight Ferom Wfrong Ri8ght Freom Wrfong Rught Froom Weong Ruight Frm Riught Frmo Wreong Rigght Frkm Wroong
Riht Frkom Wrng Rihgt Frokm Wrnog Rihht Fr9m Wrkng Rihght Fr9om Wrkong Righht Fro9m Wrokng

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