Withering Beauty

Fighting for your life
I want to see you die
For your defeat I strife
You can not from me hide
My strenght is fading
I can not give up now
Fatal strike I'm needing
In my blood I drown
Drifting, floating, flying away
By a wind I'm spread astray
Now will I leave and wait
I died from your hate
Drifting, floating, flying away
By a wind I'm spread astray

Mirror lyrics:

By a wind I'm spread astray
Drifting, floating, flying away
I died from your hate
Now will I leave and wait
By a wind I'm spread astray
Drifting, floating, flying away
In my blood I drown
Fatal strike I'm needing
I can not give up now
My strenght is fading
You can not from me hide
For your defeat I strife
I want to see you die
Fighting for your life

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