Withered Earth
Eternity Bleeds The Silence

Almighty twilight, Summon thee before
You slumber beneath murky skies,
it breathes the hour of our birth
My Grimlord speakth threw me
the spirit in pure, is the fruit of immortality
from whence the flesh we conquer,
My Grimlord speakth through me

High hangs the scarlet moon, for that which
roams by night, your essence stirs them
from thy morbid chapels
And we of the earth and heavens (Akhkharu)
And we of the wind and sea, (Bringer of plagues)
Shall burn away what once prevailed...
Sanctity uncoils the feathered serpent
Till dusk of the spectral sleep
When eternity bled the never-ending silence
Nocturnium rose from its Sabbatical ruin,
Blind to the sight of cruciform,

Devoid of life and soul forevermore,
The Darkling lord is with thee

We drink with the horde of wolves
to harvest the most precious blood
Nocturnally embody the weak of soul
For a conquest of ages to feed the
Doomstone empire
The Darkling lord is with thee...

Mirror lyrics:

The Darkling lord is with thee...
Doomstone empire
For a conquest of ages to feed the
Nocturnally embody the weak of soul
to harvest the most precious blood
We drink with the horde of wolves

The Darkling lord is with thee
Devoid of life and soul forevermore,

Blind to the sight of cruciform,
Nocturnium rose from its Sabbatical ruin,
When eternity bled the never-ending silence
Till dusk of the spectral sleep
Sanctity uncoils the feathered serpent
Shall burn away what once prevailed...
And we of the wind and sea, (Bringer of plagues)
And we of the earth and heavens (Akhkharu)
from thy morbid chapels
roams by night, your essence stirs them
High hangs the scarlet moon, for that which

My Grimlord speakth through me
from whence the flesh we conquer,
the spirit in pure, is the fruit of immortality
My Grimlord speakth threw me
it breathes the hour of our birth
You slumber beneath murky skies,
Almighty twilight, Summon thee before

Relevant Tags:
EEternity BBleeds TThe SSilence ternity leeds he ilence tEernity lBeeds hTe iSlence sternity vleeds fhe zilence sEternity vBleeds fThe zSilence
Esternity Bvleeds Tfhe Szilence 3ternity gleeds 5he wilence 3Eternity gBleeds 5The wSilence E3ternity Bgleeds T5he Swilence fternity nleeds hhe dilence
fEternity nBleeds hThe dSilence Efternity Bnleeds Thhe Sdilence rternity hleeds yhe eilence rEternity hBleeds yThe eSilence Erternity Bhleeds Tyhe Seilence
4ternity Blleeds 6he xilence 4Eternity Beeds 6The xSilence E4ternity Beleds T6he Sxilence dternity Bkeeds ghe ailence dEternity Bkleeds gThe aSilence
Edternity Blkeeds Tghe Sailence wternity Boeeds rhe Siilence wEternity Boleeds rThe Slence Ewternity Bloeeds Trhe Slience Etternity Bpeeds Sjlence
Eernity Bpleeds Te Sjilence Eetrnity Blpeeds Teh Sijlence Efernity Bleeeds Tje S9lence Bleds Tjhe S9ilence Etfernity Bleeds Thje Si9lence
E5ernity Blseds Tue Sllence E5ternity Blseeds Tuhe Slilence Et5ernity Bleseds Thue Sillence Ehernity Bl3eds Tne Solence Ehternity Bl3eeds Tnhe Soilence
Ethernity Ble3eds Thne Siolence Eyernity Blfeds Tbe Sklence Eyternity Blfeeds Tbhe Skilence Etyernity Blefeds Thbe Siklence E6ernity Blreds Tge S8lence
E6ternity Blreeds S8ilence Et6ernity Blereds Thge Si8lence Egernity Bl4eds Tye Sulence Egternity Bl4eeds Suilence Etgernity Ble4eds Thye Siulence
Erernity Bldeds Thee Bldeeds Th Sience Etrernity Blededs The Sielnce Eteernity Blweds Ths Sikence Etrnity Blweeds Thse
Etrenity Bleweds Thes Silkence Etsrnity Th3 Sioence Etsernity Th3e Etesrnity Bledes The3 Siloence Et3rnity Blesds Thf Sipence
Et3ernity Thfe Siplence Ete3rnity Bleesds Thef Silpence Etfrnity Ble3ds Thr Sileence Thre Silnce Etefrnity Blee3ds Ther Silnece
Etrrnity Blefds Th4 Silsnce Th4e Silsence Eterrnity Bleefds The4 Silesnce Et4rnity Blerds Thd Sil3nce Et4ernity Thde Sil3ence
Ete4rnity Bleerds Thed Sile3nce Etdrnity Ble4ds Thw Silfnce Etdernity Thwe Silfence Etedrnity Blee4ds Thew Silefnce Etwrnity Bledds Silrnce
Etwernity Silrence Etewrnity Bleedds Silernce Blewds Sil4nce Etenity Sil4ence Etenrity Bleewds Sile4nce
Etednity Sildnce Blees Sildence Eterdnity Bleesd Silednce Ete4nity Bleexs Silwnce Bleexds Silwence
Eter4nity Bleedxs Silewnce Etegnity Bleees Silennce Etegrnity Silece Etergnity Bleedes Silecne

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