Talk Me Down

I'm too tired to go to bed
I'm too wired for anything except
The crossfire in my head
It's been a long night
'Cos I took all I can take
'Til the walls shook and the windows break
I want to phone you but it's far too late
It's been a long night

So talk me down
Talk me down
Talk me down
Talk me down

'Cos we fought an endless war
'Til we forgot what we were fighting for
Now we can't stop
But we can withdraw
In the long night


The light flashed and I thought I'd died
My life passed before my eyes
It went too fast for the love I feel


Down, down, down
Lay your head near mine
Tell me that it's all fine
Love me while there's still time
It's been a long night

Mirror lyrics:

It's been a long night
Love me while there's still time
Tell me that it's all fine
Lay your head near mine
Down, down, down


It went too fast for the love I feel
My life passed before my eyes
The light flashed and I thought I'd died


In the long night
But we can withdraw
Now we can't stop
'Til we forgot what we were fighting for
'Cos we fought an endless war

Talk me down
Talk me down
Talk me down
So talk me down

It's been a long night
I want to phone you but it's far too late
'Til the walls shook and the windows break
'Cos I took all I can take
It's been a long night
The crossfire in my head
I'm too wired for anything except
I'm too tired to go to bed

Relevant Tags:
TTalk MMe DDown alk e own aTlk eM oDwn falk je xown fTalk jMe xDown Tfalk Mje Dxown 5alk ke eown 5Talk kMe eDown T5alk Mke Deown
halk ne fown hTalk nMe fDown Thalk Mne Dfown yalk Mee rown yTalk M rDown Tyalk Me Drown 6alk Ms cown 6Talk Mse cDown T6alk Mes Dcown
galk M3 sown gTalk M3e sDown Tgalk Me3 Dsown ralk Mf Doown rTalk Mfe Dwn Tralk Mef Dwon Taalk Mr Dkwn Tlk Mre Dkown Tlak Mer Dokwn
Tzlk M4 D9wn Tzalk M4e D9own Tazlk Me4 Do9wn Tqlk Md D0wn Tqalk Mde D0own Taqlk Med Do0wn Tslk Mw Dlwn Tsalk Mwe Dlown Taslk Mew Dolwn
Twlk Diwn Twalk Diown Tawlk Doiwn

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