I Wanna Grow Old With You

Another day without your smile
Another day just passes by
But now i know how much it means
For you to stay right here with me
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurts so bad i can't take it any longer.

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you, sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you.

A thousand miles between us now
It causes me to wonder how
Our love tonight remains so strong
It makes our risk right all along
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad i can't take it any longer.

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you, sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you.

Things can come and go
I know but
Baby I believe
Something's burning strong between us
Makes it clear to me.

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you, sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you.

Mirror lyrics:

I wanna grow old with you.
I wanna be there for you, sharing everything you do
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you

Makes it clear to me.
Something's burning strong between us
Baby I believe
I know but
Things can come and go

I wanna grow old with you.
I wanna be there for you, sharing everything you do
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you

But it hurt so bad i can't take it any longer.
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
It makes our risk right all along
Our love tonight remains so strong
It causes me to wonder how
A thousand miles between us now

I wanna grow old with you.
I wanna be there for you, sharing everything you do
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you

But it hurts so bad i can't take it any longer.
The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
For you to stay right here with me
But now i know how much it means
Another day just passes by
Another day without your smile

Relevant Tags:
II WWanna GGrow OOld WWith YYou anna row ld ith ou I aWnna rGow lOd iWth oYu j aanna hrow kld aith gou jI aWanna hGrow kOld aWith gYou
Ij Waanna Ghrow Okld Waith Ygou 9 3anna yrow 9ld 3ith hou 9I 3Wanna yGrow 9Old 3With hYou I9 W3anna Gyrow O9ld W3ith Yhou l danna brow 0ld dith 6ou
lI dWanna bGrow 0Old dWith 6You Il Wdanna Gbrow O0ld Wdith Y6ou o eanna vrow lld eith uou oI eWanna vGrow lOld eWith uYou Io Weanna Gvrow Olld Weith Yuou
k sanna frow ild sith 7ou kI sWanna fGrow iOld sWith 7You Ik Wsanna Gfrow Oild Wsith Y7ou 8 2anna trow 2ith jou 8I 2Wanna tGrow Od 2With jYou
I8 W2anna Gtrow Odl W2ith Yjou u qanna Grrow Okd qith tou uI qWanna Gow qWith tYou Iu Wqanna Gorw Olkd Wqith Ytou Gdow Ood Wiith Yoou
Wnna Gdrow Oold Wth Yu Wnana Grdow Olod Wtih Yuo Wznna G4ow Opd Wjth Yku Wzanna G4row Opld Wjith Ykou Waznna Gr4ow Olpd Wijth Yoku
Wqnna Ggow Oldd W9th Y9u Ggrow Ol W9ith Y9ou Waqnna Grgow Old Wi9th Yo9u Wsnna Gtow Olx Wlth Y0u Olxd Wlith Y0ou
Wasnna Grtow Oldx Wilth Yo0u Wwnna G5ow Ole Woth Ylu Wwanna G5row Oled Woith Ylou Wawnna Gr5ow Olde Wioth Yolu Wxnna Gfow Olf Wkth Yiu
Wxanna Olfd Wkith Yiou Waxnna Grfow Oldf Wikth Yoiu Wannna Geow Olr W8th Youu Wana Gerow Olrd W8ith Yo Wanna Greow Oldr Wi8th You

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