Wet Wet Wet
Brand New Sunrise

WET WET WET lyrics - "Brand New Sunrise"

City wins another fight
To take the day into the nite
My shadows been around for too long
Daylight understands me, the part that's not alone
Hide 'n' seek they try to be discreet
Moonlight walks with me, sunset talks to me
But all I want from you is a brand new sunsrise
Silently keeping what they are keeping
Moonclouds are flocking, streetlamps mockin'
Time to work it out somehow
But the day whispers someone
The nite moves so slowly
He won't take it out on his head
Nite walks away with the summer
Day gives into the fall
Moonlite walks with me
Sunset talks to me
But all I want from you is a brand new sunrise

Mirror lyrics:

But all I want from you is a brand new sunrise
Sunset talks to me
Moonlite walks with me
Day gives into the fall
Nite walks away with the summer
He won't take it out on his head
The nite moves so slowly
But the day whispers someone
Time to work it out somehow
Moonclouds are flocking, streetlamps mockin'
Silently keeping what they are keeping
But all I want from you is a brand new sunsrise
Moonlight walks with me, sunset talks to me
Hide 'n' seek they try to be discreet
Daylight understands me, the part that's not alone
My shadows been around for too long
To take the day into the nite
City wins another fight

WET WET WET lyrics - "Brand New Sunrise"

Relevant Tags:
BBrand NNew SSunrise rand ew unrise rBand eNw uSnrise vrand mew zunrise vBrand mNew zSunrise Bvrand Nmew Szunrise
grand hew wunrise gBrand hNew wSunrise Bgrand Nhew Swunrise nrand jew dunrise nBrand jNew dSunrise Bnrand Njew Sdunrise
hrand bew eunrise hBrand bNew eSunrise Bhrand Nbew Seunrise Brrand Neew xunrise Band Nw xSunrise Barnd Nwe Sxunrise
Bdand Nsw aunrise Bdrand Nsew aSunrise Brdand Nesw Saunrise B4and N3w Suunrise B4rand N3ew Snrise Br4and Ne3w Snurise
Bgand Nfw Shnrise Nfew Shunrise Brgand Nefw Suhnrise Btand Nrw S7nrise Btrand Nrew S7unrise Brtand Nerw Su7nrise
B5and N4w Sknrise B5rand N4ew Skunrise Br5and Ne4w Suknrise Bfand Ndw Sinrise Bfrand Ndew Siunrise Brfand Nedw Suinrise
Beand Nww S8nrise Berand Nwew S8unrise Breand Neww Su8nrise Braand Sjnrise Brnd Ne Sjunrise Brnad New Sujnrise
Brznd Nea Synrise Brzand Neaw Syunrise Braznd Newa Suynrise Brqnd Ne3 Sunnrise Brqand Surise Braqnd New3 Surnise
Brsnd Ned Sumrise Brsand Sumnrise Brasnd Newd Sunmrise Brwnd Nee Suhrise Brwand Brawnd Newe Sunhrise
Brxnd Nes Sujrise Brxand Braxnd News Sunjrise Brannd Ne2 Subrise Brad Ne2w Subnrise Bradn New2 Sunbrise
Bramd Neq Sunrrise Bramnd Neqw Sunise Branmd Newq Sunirse Brahd Sundise Brahnd Sundrise Branhd Sunrdise
Brajd Sun4ise Brajnd Sun4rise Branjd Sunr4ise Brabd Sungise Brabnd Sungrise Branbd Sunrgise
Brandd Suntise Bran Suntrise

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