Wet Wet Wet
After The Love Goes

WET WET WET lyrics - "After The Love Goes"

It's been a year since I last saw mary
When she said goodbye
She casts a spell on my intention
That's the reason why
I'm taking my thought from a bottle lately
And breaking them up in my mind
All my problems they don't look pretty
Oh but it's no surprise

Well it's so hard
To take what you're given
Well it's so hard
To give what you've got

After the love goes
Here I go
There's no easy way

Bright lights of memphis
Sounds like a real good time
But I lost my heart and my money
Honed like cherry wine
But I don't remember the church bells ring
Thru the day or the night
But I kept my soul on my own
Not without a fight

Well it's so hard
To take what you're given
Well it's so hard
To give what you've got

After the love goes
Here I go
There's no easy way

It's been a while since I last saw mary
Wipe a tearful eye
Well I remember I first saw mary
Saying her last goodbye
Breaking it up from a bottle lately
And making it up in my mind
But all my problems, they don't look pretty
Ooh that's the bottom line

It's so hard
To take what you're given
Well it's so hard
To give what you've got

After the love goes
Here I go
There's no easy road

Mirror lyrics:

There's no easy road
Here I go
After the love goes

To give what you've got
Well it's so hard
To take what you're given
It's so hard

Ooh that's the bottom line
But all my problems, they don't look pretty
And making it up in my mind
Breaking it up from a bottle lately
Saying her last goodbye
Well I remember I first saw mary
Wipe a tearful eye
It's been a while since I last saw mary

There's no easy way
Here I go
After the love goes

To give what you've got
Well it's so hard
To take what you're given
Well it's so hard

Not without a fight
But I kept my soul on my own
Thru the day or the night
But I don't remember the church bells ring
Honed like cherry wine
But I lost my heart and my money
Sounds like a real good time
Bright lights of memphis

There's no easy way
Here I go
After the love goes

To give what you've got
Well it's so hard
To take what you're given
Well it's so hard

Oh but it's no surprise
All my problems they don't look pretty
And breaking them up in my mind
I'm taking my thought from a bottle lately
That's the reason why
She casts a spell on my intention
When she said goodbye
It's been a year since I last saw mary

WET WET WET lyrics - "After The Love Goes"

Relevant Tags:
AAfter TThe LLove GGoes fter he ove oes fAter hTe oLve oGes zfter fhe kove hoes zAfter fThe kLove hGoes Azfter Tfhe Lkove Ghoes
qfter 5he oove yoes qAfter 5The oLove yGoes Aqfter T5he Loove Gyoes sfter hhe pove boes sAfter hThe pLove bGoes Asfter Thhe Lpove Gboes
wfter yhe voes wAfter yThe Lve vGoes Awfter Tyhe Lvoe Gvoes xfter 6he Lkve foes xAfter 6The fGoes Axfter T6he Lokve Gfoes
Affter ghe L9ve toes Ater gThe L9ove tGoes Atfer Tghe Lo9ve Gtoes Acter rhe L0ve Gooes Acfter rThe L0ove Ges Afcter Trhe Lo0ve Geos
Arter Llve Gkes Arfter Te Llove Gkoes Afrter Teh Lolve Gokes Agter Tje Live G9es Agfter Tjhe Liove G9oes Afgter Thje Loive Go9es
Atter Tue Lovve G0es Atfter Tuhe Loe G0oes Aftter Thue Loev Go0es Avter Tne Lobe Gles Avfter Tnhe Lobve Gloes Afvter Thne Lovbe Goles
Adter Tbe Loce Gies Adfter Tbhe Locve Gioes Afdter Thbe Lovce Goies Tge Loge Goees Afer Logve Gos Afetr Thge Lovge Gose
Affer Tye Lofe Goss Lofve Goses Aftfer Thye Lovfe Goess Af5er Thee Lovee Go3s Af5ter Th Lov Go3es Aft5er The Love Goe3s
Afher Ths Lovs Gofs Afhter Thse Lovse Gofes

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